
How should I prepare for my first day of college tomorrow? I am scared, any advice you could share?

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How should I prepare for my first day of college tomorrow? I am scared, any advice you could share?




  1. Keep your focus and don't let little things get the best of you. If you get confused, don't be intimidated but go ahead and ask questions. If someone is rude, don't let it concern you. You have every right to ask questions and get information.

    Be early to class to get a good seat. (up front and center is best) Realize that you are there to learn and will have to schedule time to study. Your focus has to be classes, but if you plan wisely you will have time to socialize as well. You'll need rest and fun along with work. Best of luck this year. Hope it's great!

  2. Best is to be yourself and to be open. VERY other college student is new and also probably a bit nervous cos they don't know anyone. Don't be shy and smile :) Hope you have a lot of fun and find some friends ^^

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