
How should I prepare mentally for a boxing match?

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I have my first exhibition fight this Saturday. I have been training for 8 months now and I physically feel ready. I hear that I have great technique and quickness. I just feel a little apprehensive and doubtful...and I need to get over it quickly! Any advice on psyching myself up and psyching the other person out?!





  2. dont worry your first time it will be very fast...

    i dont remember clearly my first fights cause it was happen too fast, but let me say a suggestion:

    dont be afraid and dont be innocent, if u see your opponent weak or tired don't trust... attack but without to be discovered...

    sometimes we got emotion, and attack stupidly, without any defense...

    attack and defense is to fight, if u dont do both u are not fighting

    if u can you can take in video your match, you can aprecciate some mistakes and errors (yours or of your opponent) i think is a good idea.

    for finish i want to say:  ENJOY YOUR FIGHT ... it will be your firts combat... dont worry about it...

  3. Here is what worked for me.  The night before the fight, I try to stay loose.  Laugh and relax.

    Don't worry about being doubtful.  All fighters have fear and nervousness going in.  As the great Cus D'Mato would say "The Hero and The Coward both feel the same thing.  They are both afraid.  It is what the hero does that makes him a hero and what the coward doesn't do that makes him a coward!"

    I don't worry about psyching my opponent out.  I don't go out of my way to do it.  If I can, I do it but if not, I don't worry about it.  I usually start to fire myself up about an hour before the fight.  To get myself in the right frame of mind, I use mental preparation.  I picture my opponent as someone who wants to harm me and wants to deprive my family.  He is trying to take something from me, whether that be money or a trophy.  I refuse to let him do that.  I use that fire that by the time to walk to the ring, I am like a caged animal.

    If you do want to psych out your opponent, the best thing to do is show no fear.  Years ago, I was fighting in a big amateur show down in Virginia, which was in my opponent's backyard.  I had met him a month prior at a show and he was talking to me and telling me how he watched me the year before in some tournaments and thought I was a good fighter.  Now at the weigh in, he walked in glaring at me.  So I went up to him with a confident smile and said "Good Luck!  See ya tonight!"  and his jaw dropped.  During the fight, when he started running out of gas, I looked at him and smiled, letting him know that I knew he was dead tired.  And his eyes showed fear.

    I hope all of this info helps.  Good Luck in your fight!!!

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