
How should I proceed...?

by  |  earlier

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I am hoping to become a teacher; either history or governemnt. Though I am not sure how to go about it, my plan right now is to major in either history or government and then worry about my teaching certificate later.

I've been told that if I majored in the subject I teach I can teach at any level, is that true? Should I worry about a teaching certificate if thats the case? Let me know what you think...




  1. You need to check with your state (or education department of your university) what the requirements are to get that certificate.  True, with a degree you can get a liscence (called non-traditional, you have to go through extra classes, at least in my state), but it seems WAY easier, and makes more sense if you really think that you definitely want to be a teacher, to go and get your education degree.  For example, my degree was Science Education.  I took the science classes that I needed PLUS a lot of education and psychology classes that are very HELPFUL IN THE CLASSROOM.  I have taught with a couple of people that got a non-teaching degree - they did not have any education classes, no student teaching etc and were COMPLETEY ILL-PREPARED to  be in the classroom.  They knew their subject, but not how to teach it or how to handle a classroom.

    If i were you, and you really want to be a teacher, get an education degree.  With today's kids, you'll be better off.

  2. yes you should to become a teacher why not...,

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