
How should I report my managers unethical behavior? Should I tell the District Manager? or Human Relations?

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I'm an assistant manager in a corporate retail store. The general manager has told me that our district manager would like all supervisors to be scheduled for a big sale event. The GM gives each manager a weekend off, this event happens to fall on my weekend and instead of changing the schedule she has lied to the DM saying that I requested off months ago for a wedding in which I am a bridesmaid. I have informed her that I WOULD work that weekend but she responded with "you're getting your weekend off."

A previous situation: My GM approached me about my attitude, she said "you seem out of it lately." My grandmother passed away a month before. We were very very close. She was like a mother and a best friend. I told my GM I was still coping with the situation. She wanted to counsel me, so I discussed it with her. She then told me "if you need time off all you have to do is ask, but I think it has been long enough."

I am looking for a new job ... I need advice.




  1. So, your manager is giving you your regular weekend off.  What's to complain about?

    As for the situation surrounding your grandmother's day off - Never mix your personal life with your business life.  The less your manager knows about your personal life, the better off you are.  If you really needed counseling about that situation, you should have seeked the counseling from anyone other than your manager.  It's none of his/her business!!  And, you should not allow your personal life to affect your job performance.

    I'm sorry, but I don't really see anything "unethical" about your manager, except the lying about your request for time off.  That's something that will be difficult to prove, so I would not pursue that.

    The best thing you can do is what you're already doing - look for another job.  And don't do anything to upset your manager at this time.  You'll need a recommendation when you find the other job.

    I wish you success in your job search.

  2. The Chartered Management Institute or ACAS

  3. Whatever you do make sure you have a support person with you if you are going to talk to your superiors. The support person is not required to say anything, just sit and listen so that whatever is said you have semeone who can back you up at a later date. Your superior cannot dissallow the request for a support person, who the support person is up to you, they don't have to work with you either.

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