
How should I respond to his one-sentence email or should I just move on?

by  |  earlier

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So my friend whom i've been casually romantic with sent me this one-sentence email:

"ummmm....we cant talk anymore.....dont ask"

Should I ignore it and move on, or send him this email I wrote:

tim i care about u more than u will ever know. i hope u never forget that.

your e-mail caught me completely by surprise since just a couple weeks ago you wrote (twice) in big capital letters "I MISS YOU" and said you wanted to "go out to eat and do one of our old numbers as soon as you get out of foster care."

i was so happy! lol... and i have NO IDEA what i did or said to p**s u off?

obviously someone told you not to talk to me anymore because the Tim i know would NEVER be so cold and mean.

i know u dont want to hurt me... and i can understand why u might want me out of the picture because of jason...but sending a cryptic one-sentence e-mail through myspace saying "don't ask" is really low.

what am i supposed to do, go insane wondering what the reason is? that sucks! lol Would you want to be treated that way... i've always treated you with love and respect.

anyways... i dont know what else to say Tim... just know in ur heart i'll always be here for you if u decide you can talk again lol

peace. dont ask! jk




  1. I'd go for

    "With a bombshell like that, you can't expect me not to ask.  I'm owed that surely?"

  2. yelling at him in an email is not the way to go. it will onlee make him defensive. if i were u. i wud wait for them to contact me. or i wud send them an email like

    "whats wrong?"

    "the email u sent me reallay worried me, i care about u an i want to make sure ur okay, just let me know ur fine an then ill respect ur descion



  3. i would send it because he should at least have the decency to tell you the reason

  4. i wouldn't send it, this guy has brushed you off, if you send it your just making yourself a doormat.

    i know that was tough to read but it's the truth, your young and this isn't the last time your heart will be broken, it's part of the pain of growing up.

    your a sweet guy, you will be loved, i can tell :-)

    good luck!

    i'm getting outnumbered here and i don't understand why... guys,, key words in this question

    *casually romantic

    *a couple weeks ago

    *i can understand why you might want me out of the picture

    were here to help ;-)

  5. i would send it then let him make the next move ... he could be unsure of his sexuality and just scared right now ... good luck

  6. I would send him something a lot shorter and less emotional:

    "OK, Tim I respect your decision - just know if you ever need to talk again, I will be here for you!"

    And then - leave him alone, move on - let him make the next move, but be prepared.  There may not be a next move.  It sounds like he is back with an old lover.

  7. most of the time, I'd say respect the other person's wishes and don't ask, but in this situation, I think you have every right to send the email...

  8. this is ment to be a serious email right?

    if so do you honestly think 'lol' is appropriate?

    it makes it seem like a joke to be quite honest

    i meen when you wrote that were you honestly laughing?

    if not then why put it?

    take the 'lol's' out and then send it.

  9. Dude how hold are you and how old is he if your over 18 and he is under 18 then he doesnt want his foster parents to find out he is g*y or has a relationship with you because you are over 18 and could get in trouble for s*x with a minor if that is not the case then it is the same thing except for the 18 thing he doesnt want to get ousted from his foster home there are a lot of things that can mess him up because he is in the system wait a while when he gets out of foster care and is on his own then contact him it may not be you


  10. Obviously he could'nt elaborate . Give him a few weeks and he may be able to explain the situation to you. Your e-mail sounds a little " clingy"

  11. i think you would be perfectly fine by sending that email. it tells him what you are feeling and maybe your questions to him. i think it would be better to say that all in person though. because then it would mean more. (:  

  12. Hmmmm

    A simple e-mail saying "door's always open"  is good.   Lets him know you are still there and love him enough to give him space.

    Then move on!   It isn't you; it's him.   let your heart be light, and let someone else love you.

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