My children were adopted internationally and are a different race then my husband and me. People often come up to us, and ask questions about our children while they're sitting right there. While some are totally innapropriate, others are just curious, but not things I think should really be shared with strangers or anyone really unless they chose to share it when they're older.
My question is, how should I respond when someone asks a personal question about their adoption. I definetly don't want to share informaton that belongs to my children, but I don't want to say "that's none of your bussiness!", and make my kids think the story of their birth and adoption is shameful, and not something they can ever discuss.
Adoptive parents, how do you handle this, and adoptees, how would you want this handled from a child's perspective? My sons are both too young to ask their opinions now, but the oldest will soon be able to understand what people are talking about.