
How should I settle a legal issue regarding a pet?

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I want to use an arbitrator but I don't know how to present it really. I'm moving out in less than a year and I plan to take all 4 cats with me, but the **** is going to hit the fan when I try to take a certain one, her name is Widget. If you talked to my stepmom, she'd say that her name is Angel.

To h**l it is, all she did was bring her home one day. She says that that's the same reason the other three are mine. Sorry, but my cats have a little thing called love and affection towards me. As the owners of the house, my dad and stepmom buy the food and the litter. I, on the other hand, feed them, change the litter, play with them, let them sleep in here, take care of them at all hours when no one else is awake or around, and they, including Widget, all come to me first if they're hungry, bored, or sad.

These people I live with are always either in their room, where they don't let the cats, or on the couch if they aren't doing some sort of chore or aren't out of the house. So the only time they actually have anything to do with the cats is when they're on the couch in the living room and the cats just happen to be in the same room as them.

Trust me when I say I'm not exaggerating. Here comes the part where I want to pull in the arbitrator, 'cause I'm fairly sure I'll win with one--they don't like taking care of their medical needs. It took me over half a year to get my dad to deworm one of them. I was so sad for her because she had to sleep on a pallet outside my door instead of being able to come in my room, and she thought she'd done something wrong to deserve it. They only took them all when a different one had kittens and they wanted to get the girl cats fixed so they wouldn't have any more to "deal with." Once, Widget had some sort of sore that exploded from her side and they just waved it off, saying with some peroxide she'd be okay.

Right now Widget has some grease on her coat and the evil stepmother yelled at me for trying to bathe her since it was "her" cat, even though she never, and still doesn't do anything for her. I tried to take her to Petco to get her groomed since I couldn't do it and she still got in the way saying she wasn't mine to help.

Apparently though, if I don't take care of her, no one will. My stepmother is basically very childish, and there won't be a way to beat her for good unless I call in a legal force. I don't mind paying for it at the end of the year, when I plan to move out, and I'm sure I can get help from my pet-loving friends, but how do I go about it? Sorry it took this long to get to my actual question but I had to explain it in detail.

So how do I go about explaining to to whoever I need to explain it to and getting a legal arbitrator to finish this issue off for me? Thanks for anyone taking the time to help me. Also, let me know if this topic would do better in Pets, I just thought I'd get a better legal answer under Law & Ethics.




  1. You explained it to me pretty well. Just find a lawyer and explain the situation. You seem to have a grasp of that skill.

  2. OK! calm down, and listen up!!! My kitty HRH! is the love of my life, so I do know how you feel about animals!! Believe me! I will take a four legged furball than any human!!! Well! maybe not you! Do you feel a little better now? OK! Good! This is the plan. The more you antagonize your evil stepmom, the worse it's going to be for Widget! Do the unexpected with Momma dearest! Be nice! Honey catches more flys than vinegar! I suspect you will be graduating from school sometime THIS NEXT year, right? Do you have a part-time job? You know what I'm thinking, you would do great at a VET's office! Wouldn't that be great if you could become one yourself!?  Save as much much money as you can, you may have to forgo buying all the silly things teenagers buy, but think about your future and the kitties!! In order for you be on your own, you will need a place to live. Work on that first. First and last month's rent, and don't forget, some places demand a deposit if you have animals, If you could get a job at the Vet's, they would most likely help you take care of your little family, maybe for free! When you are ready to leave the house, do it when Momma dearest isn't around, and take Widget too!!  If the old bat starts ahowling at you, just tell her sweetly, as one adult to another (oh! I love this!)  that she is unfit to own an animal as she has never given the poor cat the care she deserves!! From this moment on, keep a record of everything that you have to do for Widget, especially when she needs a bath or a Vet, and flap the papers in her face, and say you have proof of her neglect! (Take pictures too! they always go good if she drags you into court, which I very much doubt!) Let HER spend her money on any legal advice!!! Good luck and God bless, kiss the kitties for me! X

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