
How should I skip swimming class?

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Well, okay it's bad for me to skip it but I HATE swimming. I'd rather have 10 math tests. I don't know how to swim and I don't want to learn. Anyways, the deal is that I have swimming lessons coming up at school and there is NO WAY I'm going to swim. Any excuses other than forgetting to bring your swimsuit (I've used that a million times), period excuse, and skipping class? Omgawsh PLEASE answer I HATE swimming please help please help!!!




  1. What you need to do is grow up and realize that there are thousands of things you'll have to do in life that you hate. Skipping will only make the problem worse. Just learn how to swim.  

  2. oh god i feel exactly the same way !! swimming is awful, what i usually do is say i have an ear infection - i did that for about 3 weeks but then my friend told me that after 3 weeks you have to bring in a note from your doctor. I'm not sure if you have to do swimmming or not. I have to walk round all day in the freezing cold with my hair drenched and stinking of chlorine with a heavy swimming bag full of wet clothes! luckily my mum understands how i feel .. also i hav spots on the back of my legs which are really embarassing. I dont no what i'm gonna do when i start school. I'll probably do swimming the first day, but i'd try takling to the swimming coach and see if its compulsary for you to do swimming. I HATE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! :( well you can use excuses like  your period (like you said) you cuold say you have a bad cold, you've twisted your ankle or have a veruka or sumat like that. I might try saying that the spots on my legs get irritated by the chlorine and they get really sore. i'm glad someone feels the same way as me ! lol  

  3. Sounds like you don't like anything that inconveniences you.

    All the excuses will cause you problems in class and you will be labeled a problem by the teachers, the principal, other administrators.

    Take the class, get it over with, you may enjoy the swimming, if you just calm down.

    An "F" on your transcripts will not look good when making college choices.

  4. Just get a certificate from a doc saying you have a phobia for water.

  5. You poor baby! I totally understand! I used to feel the same way in high school. Let me guess? You have swim your 1st or second hour too? The best I can tell you is talk to your counsler and find out if it is manditory to take swim. You might be able to take a few extra gym classes instead. I luckly had a super cool teacher that just made us take our finals and tread water for an hour in order to pass if we didnt want to swim during the semester. Good luck. I hope this helped.

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