
How should I tackle a mountain of clothes?

by  |  earlier

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This is so embarrassing but I need your help! I am finally organizing my apartment and I have to tackle mounds and mounds of clothes that are all over my floor. I can't even get into our walk in closet! Any suggestions?




  1. Call for help! My grandmother loved to help me with my laundry!

  2. I do this about twice a year when I go through my clothes....

    Put all the clothes in a pile in the middle of a room. Then designated seperate cornors for each of these: Dirty clothes, clothes to donate/throw away. clothes that need to be ironed & hung up, and clothes that need to be folded.

    Then put on some music and just start going through the pile. I usually put a CD in and at the end of the CD I'll take a break before putting a new CD in.


  4. Garbage bags.....lots of garbage bags.  Put a label on each one with some masking tape, so you can identify each bag when you are sorting.

    Label bags for laundry (darks, colours, white, delicates)

    Label bags for garbage (the clothes that are ruined and ready to become rags or garbage)

    Label bags to donate (if you haven't worn the item in the last 6 months-year, it's time to say goodbye.  It's best to donate any good clothing to the salvation army, or thrift or goodwill stores for those less fortunate)

    Once everything is bagged and bags are labelled, you can do what is necessary for each one.

    Good luck!!

  5. Start sorting them out into smaller piles.  Not sure if they're clean or dirty clothes, but if they're dirty, sort them by colors/fabrics that can be washed/dried together, then head for the washing machine.  It's quicker to put them away if you wash and dry clothes together that will put away in the same area.  For instance: pants that will be hung up, T-shirts all in the same drawer or shelf, etc.

    If they're clean, sort them by hang-up clothes or drawer clothes.  From there, sort them into tops and pants then start hanging them up.  You'll feel much better once you see the piles shrinking, it's less overwhelming.  Good luck!

  6. First of all make certain that your bed is free and clear then start arranging your clothes on the bed by piles dresses slacks tops jean and other large clothing's leave small items like underwear and bras on the floor for last arrange them on racks or drawers as you placed them on the bed...good luck.  

  7. Sort them into piles that you plan to keep,discard and give away. If you haven't worn the items in the last year, get rid of them.

  8. I would get all the clothes in your closet, go to your cleanest room, that has a door, put the clothes in the middle of the floor, and go through them. Sort them into 3 piles "Keep, Donate, Garbage *Also rags, to re-use.*

    Once you have them all sorted, wash the donated ones, and the keep ones. (You want to wash the donated ones just to be clean.) Put the ones to donate in the back of your car, so you'll remember to donate them. Donate them to some charity place, goodwill, Salvation Army, ect.

    Do what you want with the garbage pile.

    :] Have fun!

  9. put them all into piles,

    such as colours, whites, darks, and then go through each pile an throw away stuff u dont wear. and then wash 1 lot of colours at a time, and once one lot is washed, put another load in whilst thats washing dry and iron the previous lot, once u put a few hard hours in at first, it will become a normal thing to do a load of washin everyday!  

  10. bag them up take them to a laundry mat and do them all at one time then fold them nicely and take them home and put them away.. get rid of any that you do not wear anymore, don't fit, or is ruined.  

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