
How should I take my mascara off??

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I use NON waterproff mascara but every time I try to take my mascara off my eyes water. I usually splash some water on my face then take a damp towel and wipe my face and eye lids. I also get black smudges under my eyes when I take my mascara off and they don't seem to come off with water. How should I take my mascara off?? Thanks!!




  1. When i put on mascara or eyeliner i jus use some baby oil and a soft pad to take it off nd it wrks great.

  2. I use Loreal eye makeup remover. You can get it at jewel, walmart, walgreens, anywhere basically, and its in a blue bottle. Its in the section with all the soaps and face washes and stuff. It works really well and on dark colors too! If u put alot of makeup on it will take 45 seconds max...but if you only put alittle on it comes of in like 5 second.  

  3. i use non waterproof mascara as well, but it all depends on the mascara brand. i use covergirl, and the non waterproof version comes off very easily with water and SOAP. i use a cotton ball and rub the mascara away till its under my eyes, and then very carefully, this takes practice ive been doing it for 2 years so im pretty good, i rub liquid soap, or a foaming kind of soap, right under my eyes, and using the cotton ball from before (it only takes one if you just run it under water, the mascara goes away, and stuff) and i wipe off the black. using q tips are helpful as well, they are more precise, and i use them for my eyeliner.

    the trick is to use water and soap. but, if you find even that doesn't work, try make up remover, even if it is non waterproof.

    hope that helps some. :)

  4. You can use eye make-up remover, or you can use Vaseline (which is what I use, and it gets off waterproof mascara as well). For the Vaseline, just dab a bit on your eyelashes (eyes closed!) and gently rub it around. Rinse it off with water & a washcloth. =)


    you can buy this cheap at CVS or anyother drug store

    they work super quick and easy and wont smudge like plain water

    have a nice day!!! ~^_^~

  6. Believe it or not, baby oil works remarkably well to take off both mascara and eye liner- even waterproof ones.

    I usually take a tissue, dampen it with a little water, and pour a very small amount of baby oil on to the tissue, then lightly rub the eye lid and lashes. I then take a dry tissue to wipe off extra baby oil- along with it will come the rest of the make up. I follow by washing my face with regular soap, to ensure that everything is off.

    An added bonus- baby oil is significantly cheaper than normal eye make up remover. (And it works better too!!!)

  7. Get some eye make up remover and a cotton pad and lightly rub the mascara off.

  8. The best way to take mascara off is by using a makeup remover. You just use a little on a cotton ball or makeup sponge and wipe it off. Pretty much every makeup brand offers a remover and if you buy it from a drugstore brand you'll get it at a cheaper price. I use Maybelline's makeup remover. I used to splash water on my mascara to get it off and had the same problem you do...till I used makeup remover. You could also use lotion (use a very small amount though) because it works just like a remover would, but if you plan to use lotion don't use any kind of shimmer lotion because you don't want to risk cutting your eye. Also, don't use tissues to remove your mascara or any eye makeup because tissue tears and then you get little pieces of it around your eye.

    'Hope this helps!!

  9. I use these make up remover pads that work super well!! Their pretty cheap too but you def have to use use make up remover because mine doesnt come off with water either! So any type of make up remover will work. Or if your looking for something you would have Vaseline takes make up off too I love Vaseline it like works with everything! =)

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