
How should I teach my dog how to roll over?

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How should I teach my dog how to roll over?




  1. 1.    Make sure your dog has mastered the "down" or "lie down" and "stay" commands first.

    2.   Get your dog into the down position and tell him to stay.

    3.   Pick up a treat and position your hand so that it's at a height that is above his head and off to the side of his shoulder.

    4.   Tell your dog to "roll over" while you move your hand up and over his shoulder. The treat should be leading him into the roll over motion. You will probably need to move your hand very slowly at first.

    5.   Use your other hand to gently hold down his back if he keeps trying to get up from the down position to grab the treat from your hand.

    6.   Praise your dog a lot when he completes the trick correctly. Tell him "good roll over" in a happy, excited voice and give him the treat. Don't offer any praise or attention if he doesn't roll over.

    7.   Be patient. Training a dog to roll over takes a lot of time and effort. If he's having a bad training session, just stop and try again tomorrow. Eventually, he will begin to understand what you want him to do.

  2. I taught my dog this through clicker training.  If you don't use clicker, you can still just use a treat.

    Teach the dog the down command, and preferably the stay command.  Pick up on signals to which side your dog favors to lay on.  A lot of times when they lay down, they'll shift to the right or left hip.  That is the side you want to go with.

    Once your dog is in a down position, hold the treat in front of its nose and "lure" his or her head around towards that one hip.  If the dog gets up, stop and start all over again.  Do this until the dog reaches around so much towards their back hip that they actually fall onto their side.  Treat that.  Then, keep working it until you can get them to roll over along with it.

    The reason I like clicker is because you can mark the exact behavior you want (like they know that the roll is what is getting them the treat).  If you aren't familiar with it, you can look into it further.  I swear by it.  

  3. First, have them "down." Then, using a treat twirl it a bit over your dog's head, saying "Roll Over." If that doesn't work, gently push your dog onto its back while saying "Roll Over," and then give them the treat while praising them. Good luck!

    Please answer my question!;...

  4. 1. Make sure the dog is competent at the drop position before attempting "roll".

    2. Put the dog in the drop position. Show the dog a treat in front of his nose, draw the treat slowly down the side of the dogs face and body until you get 1/2 way down then draw the treat slowly over the dogs back. Your dog's nose, then entire body should follow the treat until he rolls over. It is likely to take a few goes to get the right effect. Be calm and consistent and if after 6 tries the dog doesn't get it, stop and try again later.

    3. If the dog stands up, clamly ask him to go back into the drop position.

    3. When the dog rolls (even if it is just a 1/2 roll or a flop) give him the treat and praise him lots (good roll, good dog).

    4. Repeat this every day for a week, adding the command roll as you use the treat lure to get him to do it.

    5. When the dog is proficient at being lured into a roll, start to remove the lure gradually and use voice and hand signals only.

    NOTE: If your dog has his back legs slightly to one side in the drop position make sure you get him to roll away from that side, otherwise he won't go over. If your dog is not treat oriented, try a toy lure.

    Good luck.

  5. Have your dog sit, lay down then move your hand near your dogs face and make a circular movement while holding a small treat. They automatically follow the treat all the way around. Even if it is only part way give them a treat since they will get mad if you withhold the treat. It doesn't take long. But it is a trick that is easily forgotten by a dog.

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