
How should I tell my husband I'm pregnant?

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I'm pretty sure I am. I'm going to test tomorrow and again a few days later. We defninitely had s*x around the time I ovulated (quite a few times) and didn't use condoms. Condoms smell horrible & feel like a plastic bag, etc. So we were kind of the mindset of "if it happens, it happens". Anyway, we had one particularly passionate (like the best s*x ever) time and later that day, I realized I was ovulating a day early. Now I'm 6 days before my period, my stomach has been in knots for a few days, I'm exhausted and my b***s hurt really bad.

He's already asked me a few times these past few days if I'm pregnant (b/c I feel so crappy). I keep telling him not to worry about it. If I am indeed pregnant, how should I tell him? We both have tomorrow off, so we planned a breakfast hike/picnic. I was thinking of testing in the morning and telling him then, but I think it would be too soon. Should I just come out with it? "I'm pregnant..." Tell him over a romantic dinner? Keep in mind, this was unplanned-- we were going to start "trying" in October.




  1. I would take the test in the morning, and if it comes out positive then at the top of your hike tell him In a few months it will be hard to carry myself and a baby up here. Good luck

  2. well, if your pregnent then your pregnent, there's no need for you to be all worked up about it, unless you're feeling guilty that it may not be his. but if there is nothing to worry about then just tell him that honey I have'nt been feeling good so I took a pregnency test  and it came up positive . it doesn't have to be over a special dinner or anything fancy  

  3. You could buy one of those 5 days sooner tests and try that and if it's positive you know for sure that you are pregnant! I'm sure he will be excited right! Just don't tell him until you know for sure, good luck!! :)  

  4. I would just come straight out and tell him. It sounds like he is kind of expecting it.  Another thing is even though you weren't trying doesn't mean it wasn't planned after all both of you had the mindset of "if it happens it happens".  Best of luck to you

  5. over dinner sounds good

  6. If you are, then definitely do a romantic dinner/picnic!

    But I wouldn't jump so fast to conclusions! Sometimes the symptoms you feel fool you! You're not late for your period quite yet, so wait until you're officially late before testing. I was five days late last month and felt alot of "symptoms" but started my period eventually. So just wait until you're 100% positive! lol

  7. First of all make sure you are before you tell him. I'm sure something will come to mind when the time is right.  

  8. tread lightly here..

    I JUST went through the same thing, (we are having our second child) and my wife suprised me by giving me a gift one day, and I opened it and it was a pair of baby shoes. You probably think it is a cute idea right?

    I was SHOCKED. and In disbelief. It wasn't the right reaction, but I also felt as if I was cornered (in a sense) and it felt as if it was rushedly throw upon me, out of nowhere, like a net on a wild animal, ya know? I'm not trying to exactly compare myself to a wild animal, but in a sort, thats how it was.

    You have to feel out your husband. how does he react to suprises?

    I think that was the problem with me, I don't react good to suprises; I never have throughout my life. My bottom line is, some men will react differently, remember that.

    You want it to be a memorable day and event right? just don't ambush him with it if its true, just keep that in mind. i'm sorry, but I hope that helps you in a way, because its something you need to know.

  9. first, make sure you're pregnant...

    second...i dreamed of the day i could tell my husband we were pregnant...i wanted to do it in a cool way, etc.

    when that day finally came,  i just blurted out I"M PREGNANT...i was to excited to be cool

    if you have a sense of humor like my hubby and i do, you could just tell him that his boys can swim

  10. I know that when it comes down to it just telling him is the best way, but on the other hand you know him so my suggestion is to tell him while doing something that makes him happy, something that he enjoys. I think that he will be happy and hopefully bring a new person into the family

    good luck  

  11. You have not even missed your period should probably wait for that before you get your hopes up....

  12. Tell him that you are pregnant on a really romantic night and dont just throw it at him kind of ease it in and smile and look happy.  

  13. in a romantic way.

  14. You are both expecting that it may have happened... and you both were planning for it (even if your plans were for October)... So it's not as if he is going to be shocked or upset... On the contrary, I think he will be happy!

    So just share your thoughts with him...

    Tell him how you feel and that you "may" be pregnant... and then you two can share the joy of finding out together.

    He's your husband after all and you two should be able to communicate about such matters...

    I personally think that the BEST way to tell your husband is to do it naturally rather than over planning what you will say and when you will say it. I know that I wouldn't be able to hold myself for one minute from telling my husband (whether planned or not) – because I would want us to go through our emotions together, rather than me sorting out my emotions on my own and then telling him as though it is just a piece "news" which he has to grasp on his own.

  15. wait until you've done your test and then just come out with it , the longer you put off telling him is only going to make him feel crappier for not knowing straight away. you both want to celebrate in the miricle of life , so do it sooner rather than later !

    all the best x

  16. Just tell him, simple "I am pregnant" or "we are having a baby." Don't fake your emotions, if you are happy then be happy, if you are scared out of your mind (me) then say that.  There is never a "right" moment.

    I blurted it out and my husband put his arm around me, told me it was all going to be alright, and let me cry.  

  17. Just tell him you're pregnant you both knew it could happen and you were going to start trying soon so it probably won't make a difference of 2 months.  If you are CONGRADULATIONS!!!!! At least if anything else if you are pregnant you got pregnant while having the best s*x ever. Another thing because you are married you will be fine. Relax and enjoy having a child or not. lol  

  18. Tell him you are going to test because you suspect you are. you should have him there with you so if it comes back positive you can find out together be excited together! Thats what I did! It was our moment, not just mine.

  19. Tell him on yr hike  and tell him it is Gods timinig

  20. i would let him read the test with you so you both know at the same time

  21. If you are indeed pregnant and your absolutely sure then just say you have good news, and I think it would be cool to tell him over a romantic dinner. Don't worry about it.

  22. If it's by him, face to face. If not, over the phone. Preferably from a police station.

  23. Sounds like maybe you are pregnant but before you tell him make sure you are positive you are pregnant because what if you tell him you are and then you realiza you were just late take a HPT and if its comes out positive go ahead and make him a alittle present make him baby t-shirt that says your goin to be a daddy and wrap it up for him that would be so cute let us know what happens Good Luck  

  24. the hike thing seems nice. oct is only a couple months away so no biggie. i hope that everything turns out good for you and congrats in advance. they are miracles, i don't know what i would do without my angel!

  25. get him a bib hat says "i love my daddy" once you find out your preggers!

  26. yeah too soon to have a test tell it in a happy way not like oh **** im gonna pop one out but happy and that ye can both be parents YAY

  27. just tell him slowly tell him its good news and it'll help you share more love together! and its ok im sure he wont get mad!

  28. That is pretty exciting!

    My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant and if it were me...I would put the pregnancy test in a gift bag and give it to him! A baby is the best gift ever! Good-luck!!!!!

  29. First, make sure he's in a good mood, then tell him you might be pregnant, if you do not know for sure.  I would also tell him in the evening or late morning.   Since you were going to start trying in October, I'm sure he'll be happy. He'll probably be shocked, but happy after the shock is over.  Good luck with coming baby, and I'm sure you and your husband will be excellent parents.

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