
How should I tell my mom I'm pregnant? I'm married but she has a problem with us not using birth control.?

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We just found out that we're expecting our second child and we're very excited. We want to tell everyone including my mom but it makes me nervous. I don't know what to say if she asks, "was it planned," etc. We want children as the Lord sees fit. We don't believe in birth control. We believe that children are blessings from God. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can tell her?




  1. just tell her yes so she shuts up lol

  2. grow up and grow a pair

  3. What is so scary.....Tell her what you believe in.  She'll have to get over it.  

  4. Tell her she has a new grandchild on the way! how can that be dissapointing?

  5. I agree with number 1

  6. i never used any birth control or anything married and waiting to see if were expecting number 4...hate waiting lol...but umm well i have had simlar situations...if i am pregnant this time...(which my parents said u better not get pregnant again) imma get a gift bad some cute little picture frames...and when the first grandbaby was born in the family that pic will be first then so on with all there grandchildren then the last picture frame will have the due date on a peice of paper inside...and act totally like it isnt a big deal...! thats what imma married now..i should live my life the way i want...what makes me is too short...go big and cherish it...

  7. that's a wonderful way to look at it . just tell your mother that . i mean , your married , and already have one . she needs to respect you and your husbands decision . congrats on baby #2

  8. I felt the same way when I had my second (and third really).  But ultimately it is your family and your choice.  Just tell her straight up, and if she is upset then it is her loss.  Children are a blessing and if you and your husband are happy then that is all that matters.

  9. tell her straight up your married and your having your child regardless.

  10. Ultimately, it does not matter what your mother's opinion is... it only matters that you and your husband are celebrating and are happy about this new addition to your family! If she says anything, your response only needs to be, "Wow! We are so happy and excited about our new baby!"

    We went through the same thing with my father-in-law. He was never happy, never excited, always questioning. His response was always, "You're pregnant AGAIN?" like we were too stupid to know how it happened. All of our children were PLANNED and we have ZERO regrets about it. We have never leaned on him for money or help - so it wasn't as if by him gaining another grandchild it was an inconvenience to him. He rarely even sees our kids - it's really really sad, but he is the one missing out. We have amazing kids! They dazzle us, make us laugh daily and we are in awe that they ARE OUR gifts from the Heavenly Father! He picked out really great ones for us!

    I agree with you that God planned for this child's life and that is really all that matters! God has seen fit to BLESS YOU with another baby - that's AWESOME! If your mother can't see it for what it IS, that's on her. Try to let anything negative she has to say (as much as it may injure your feelings) go in one ear and out the other. You don't have to justify anything to her. She can choose to be happy or disappointed and she is in control of her own happiness - not much you can do. You are not responsible for making anyone else happy in this life. You are only responsible to be the best wife, mom and friend to others that you can be.

    Even if your mom doesn't celebrate with you - I do! Congratulations! This baby will rock this world with his/her presence and I pray will be a blessing to everyone who knows him/her! Every child should be celebrated and if your mom doesn't want to join in the celebration - let her stew! I'm sure she will come around in the end! Best Wishes and Blessings to you and your family!  

  11. Just tell her we are having a baby. It's not her decision. Tell her that incase she didn't know you are married and what y'all decide is no one else's business. Don't tip toe around it and if she is rude shrug her off.  

  12. It's none of her business what you decide to do with your personal life or your family's decisions. You're a grown woman with a husband and child.  Share your fantastic news-- her reaction to it is up to her. Good luck!

  13. Just tell her. I know everyone wants their parents approval, even as adults, but it's really none of her business. How could she be disappointed with another grandchild?!  

  14. Tell her that she has a new grandchild onthe way, the rest is none of her business, as you are married.  

  15. HI well if you are happy about it then I cannot see why she wouldnt be, if she moans then let her, its another grandchild for her she should be happy.

    I wouldnt trust the non birth control thing as known my look I will get pregnant every year lol and that wont be good but if you have enough money and enough room then go ahead the more the merrier,

    its not your mums chioce if you and your hubby are happy thats all that matters.

    congratualtions and all the best,  

  16. tell her she has another grandchild on the way... i dont see why she would care if you are using birth control or not. you're starting a family... it shouldnt matter. its your life, your kids and your married...

    :-) congrats

  17. It's not your mother's business whether or not you use birth control or whether the baby was planned.  I'm not sure what religion you are but Catholics don't believe in birth control either (at least not the chemical/medicinal kind).  You are a married woman and you and your husband have chosen to have another child.  Just tell your mom simply and to-the-point.  She'll get over it and if she doesn't, then I guess she won't be in her grandchild's life.  

    I just got married a few months ago and am pretty young (23), but my husband really wants to have a baby in the near future.  I do, too, but my mother always tells me to wait.  I think that she'll still be telling me that when I'm 30.  Mothers always feel like they have to "take care" of and give advice when it's not needed.  Most moms can't seem to get over the fact that their children are grown and can make their own decisions (and mistakes, for that matter).

  18. be honest with her. My dad reacted poorly when I told him me and my husband were pregnant with our first, he said "how did this happen"...

    she was born, and is the light of his world, He was beyond thrilled to find out we're having another little girl in January. your mom will get over it. maybe she just worries about you, pregnancy and children put a lot on a woman, and sometimes mom's are over protective, maybe your mom just doesn't want to see her "baby" go through the stresses of being a mommy...

    Just tell her your pregnant, and your thrilled! and congrats!

  19. As long as you're married and you & your hubby aren't taking financial support from your mom, she has no right to say anything about you being pregnant. (If she's supporting you that's a diff story though) It sounds like your mom can be really controlling and you need to be assertive to her and stand up for yourself. Good luck :)  

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