
How should I tell my mom I need more Help in schoolwork?

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Im homeschooled and I am always somewhere else instead of home because my mom is working constantly...I NEED to learn some time dont I.

Hi Im a 15 year old female.I need some help.What should I do to learn...




  1. You'll have to have a serious talk with your mom about this so both of you can discuss what you can do to improve your learning situation. Tell her that you feel the present conditions are not enough and that you would like to do really well but don't know how.

    Why not look into tutorials or schools in your area. Get information on them like what classes are offered, the tuition and fees, schedules and the tutorial or school's track record in turning out good/excellent graduates. Then when you talk with your mom you can show these to her and you might be able to choose among them.

  2. Ask her if you can do a DVD school, such as Bob Jones University Press HomeSat program.  Then, you can have all the classes and watch them whenever you want.  You will work at your own pace.  OR, talk to a local teacher, maybe one from your church that will help you get on the right path.

  3. this comes from you! get yourself self-disciplined so you don't end up with a 3rd grade mind in 10 years.


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