
How should I tell my son that he's adopted?

by  |  earlier

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He's been really annoying lately and I feel like breaking the news




  1. You should wait until he is old enough to understand.  When he is, then you should tell him that you chose him over all the others, and if you got the chance to do it again you would pick him again.  Sometimes kids are annoying because they can't get any positive attention, so they go for negative attention.  The point is "kids NEED attention".

  2. You should tell him when you think that he is old enough and can understand why he was adopted. if you think he old enough then sit him down and break it to him to wear he can understand whats going on!

    Hope i helped ;]


  3. Gee you sound real childish... this is a serious subject and a life altering one at that...just because he has been annoying lately doesnt mean you should just break the news to him to get back at him.  If he is a teen or pre teen...that by itself makes them act annoying. You sound like you want to just get back at him real good.  Well choose another subject to get back at him if you feel you must.  When you tell a child about being adopted it should be a loving, comfortable conversation, just like when you made the decision to adopt him in the first place. Kids can often be real annoying before they reach adulthood, and if you drop this bombshell on him now, what are you gonna use in 2 years when you feel he has built up a lot of annoyance?

  4. How old is he?

    Tell him when he is old enough to understand. And don't tell him because he's being annoying. Put yourself in his shoes.

  5. I would tell him when he is old enough to understand.. All kids can be annoying at times does not mean you should be mean to him and break life changing news to him.

  6. Um.... this is interesting.

    Just because he is being annoying in a time doesnt mean that you should punnish him, in this case by telling him hes adopted. When you tell him, it shouldnt be out of anger, DEFINITELY not!

    Plz plz plz, if you ever tell him, dont do it out of anger!

    This is something you should not hold against him. when you tell him, he should know how lucky he is to have such a great father like you.

  7. Don't tell him unless he ask and demands an answer. Other wise there is no reason for him to know.

  8. well that is a dumb reason to tell him but yes he should know eventually but not because he is annoying you.

  9. Of course you should tell him when he is old enough to understand.  Why would you NOT tell him?  

    And as for saying to him "Oh my god you are so annoying me right now - you are adopted" is totally the wrong way of going about it.  Sit him down and tell him quietly that he is adopted rather than yelling at him about it.  

    Cripes, imagine finding out the way you want to tell him.  Put yourself in his shoes and think "how would I want to be told?"

  10. first off that is not a good reason to tell him but if you must, just sit him down and keep it real tell him everything he need to know about how  it happend and why and who his ppl is and also pray you have an answer to all his questions!

    how i helped  

    [best answer]

  11. I would tell him early because it has time to sink in, before he can understand, so he doesn't feel lied to all his life.


    That's a punishment. HAHA

    You: Dammit, You are annoying me!! You are adopted. How do you like them apples!!!""

    Sorry... That is just what I though of and this made me laugh... haha poor kid... good luck... :) Hopefully you are kidding... hehe because if my mom ever told me like that I would be devastated.

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