
How should I tell my students I won't be back next year? Or should I even?

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I teach at a small high school. I'm the only teacher in a certain subject. I have all the kids. Should I let them know I'm leaving? I feel bad because they've been abandoned by their past three teachers before me. I can't stay because my emergency permit for this subject has expired. How do I let them know I won't be here, without them feel its their fault, or should I just leave without a word?




  1. it would be best to tell them then throw a party showing how much you will miss them and visit the school every once and a while.

  2. You must tell them.

    I know it sounds corny, but when as an adult now, when i look back at my fav teachers and what they meant to  me, I was glad they told me they were leaving. Even though I was very young, I still remember. I was upset but I got over it.

    Kids have to get use to disappointment, because that's what life is all about. It's unfortunate.

    Tell them they can write you anytime they want, this will make them feel better.

  3. If you do leave without a word then i can guarantee that they will be more betrayed than if you do tell them. Be honest with them. Make an announcement in class and tell them why you wont be ack. It wont hurt your reputation and it will help them realise it isnt their fault. Say you will miss them and that they made your time there very special. They will understand. Being a teacher you will know kids are tougher than they look.

    Good luck

  4. Yes, tell them, NEVER lie to them.  In my experience adults tend to leave youngsters in the dark, which is frustrating and demoralising to the young.  Be the one adult who lets them be 'in the know' for once.  And don't leave it till your last day!!

    You sound like a fine teacher.  Don't feel too guilty - you've probably done them more good than ten mediocre teachers could have in twice the time.

    ((My adult students always remember me warmly, even after only one lesson.))

  5. Throw a Party, exchange emails, create an account in 'facebook'...promise to keep in touch with them. Let them know you will be always be there for them.

    Please dont leave without telling them...

  6. just give them a party and promise u'll be back

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