
How should I tell someone I don't want to talk to them without upsetting them?

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Someone I used to know and talk to from high school several years ago has contacted me and wants hang out sometime. I said no for the time, but I have a feeling he might call me again. How do I tell this person that I don't want to talk to them or become friends with them again without being rude.




  1. Keep rejecting him/her until the gets the hint. Say you can't because you're busy with something.

    Or be honest with him/her and tell him/her: "sorry, I'm not interested in keeping in touch with you".

    He/she might get offended but he/she will get over it a few days later.

  2. Tell him you don't have much time for social stuff, but it was great to hear that life is treating him well. If that doesn't work, can you fake an infectious skin disease?

  3. the truth is that its hard not to be rude. i guess it depends on the person, if they rnt as snsitive i woul dcome right out and say, but the more, well, kinda scaredy-cat way is to make up an excuse

  4. A guy I knew in fourth grade recently contacted me on facebook saying i was still cute and maybe we could get together. i politely told him that i have a lot going on in my life right now and it just wasn't a good time for me.

    Also, you can always use school or some sort of intensive job training as an excuse. That's what I did with two other people who kept trying to take up all my time even after I made it clear I was not intersted in continuing our friendship.

    Whenever they called I was "working on a paper" or "studying for my midterm" or "putting together my portfolio"

  5. say

    i need to go, if u say it a few times they will get it that you are trying to be left alone

    or you say, i cant take or just simply, sorry i really dont wanna talk right now :)

  6. tell them that you dont live in the past , its always good to be honest. Leading people on may lead to bigger issues. Just be straight foward and tall him as it is.

  7. There's no nice way to put it, and certainly never tell someone outright that you don't want to be their friend. If he does call, just always be busy. His feelings may be hurt, but the indirect approach is much less hurtful. If he asks when you'll be free, apologize and simply say that you're tied up between school and work and unfortunately can't make too many social committments and say you'll call him when you can. ...then simply don't call. Anyone with an ounce of tact will take the hint.

  8. That's a tough one. Their feelings are going to be hurt , probably, any way you try to word it.

    It's best to just come out with it.

    " You know, we used to have a lot in common and now I think we don't so much anymore. I appreciate you wanting to hang out with me, but I really feel that we've both moved on with our lives and don't really have a lot to talk about anymore. " , or something to that effect.

    I say that, but if it were me, I'd probably be more like,

    " I'm not really looking for any new friends, or rekindling any old friendships, but thanks anyway."


    "I don't want to be friends with you. Don't call me anymore."

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