
How should I watch television?

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I'm caught up between being care-free, not thinking much, and just enjoying the show and being analytical, thinking about plot devices, and memorizing image and dialogue. If I choose the first, I miss a lot of puns and hidden messages (like in poems) and I risk forgetting the plot (especially in once-a-week shows). If I choose the second, I miss out on the emotions behind the show and get frustrated.




  1. If you are watching the show for your own enjoyment, as opposed to an assignment, just relax and enjoy it.

    You are more likely to pick up on the puns in a relaxed frame of mind anyway if the writers have done their job properly.

  2. I think it all comes down to your mood.  Sometimes when I'm watching CSI type shows I spend most of it trying to figure out who did it before the characters figure it out, that can be fun.  Other times I just want them to tell me the story because figuring it out seems like too much work.  I would say watching sitcoms I would tend to relax and just enjoy the show.  Forget about plot devices and memorizing images that's too much work and it takes a lot of the enjoyment away from watching tv.

  3. Jeez just relax tv isnt there to tear your hair out (unless its something like a horror)

  4. My opinion to you would be just to relax and take it easy. Watch the show as it goes and don't expect to see anything in advance. Just let it be and things will take its course. Eventually, you'll get the hang of things if you just sit back, take a deep breath, and watch without thinking what will happen next.

    Hope this helps

  5. I watch TV A LOT and the way that i usually do it is relax and pay extra attention to certain parts of the show if I know that they are talking about something important. BUT you sound like someone who really cares about watch something and all the small details. If it is a new show and I know that there will be reruns afterwards, then I will usually watch it first and then watch it again and pay attention to the lines and the subtle hints. Like for Law and Order especially with the reruns, I usually always find some new detail that I didn't catch before. You should put on the caption so that you won't have to strain to listen to every word that they say. And plus when seeing their lines in caption, more things will click in your head about the clues that they might give because hearing and reading something is really different. And plus if you go on the internet alot and are invested in a particular show, you can go on their website and check out the weekly updates. Sometimes they might even have clips from the show. I know that NBC have some full episode clips of their shows. Or you can just check with some fan sites, they always do recaps.  

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