
How should I write a authorisation letter?

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I am unable to collect my A-level results by myself due to I am in Hong Kong at the moment.

Could I write a authorisation letter to my school which authorise my school to send all the results to Hong Kong for me?

And How could I write this authorisation letter?

Thank you very much

Best Regards





  1. Kenny, here is a format you could use:


    (Designation of the authority concerned)

    Address of your school.

    Subject: Authorization to forward my A Level results to Hong Kong.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would like to inform you that currently I residing in Hong Kong and it is not going to be possible for me to personally collect my A level result from the school.

    I would therefore like to authorize you and request you to send my results to me in Hong Kong at the address mentioned below.

    Thanking you,

    Yours Truly,


    Your Hong Kong address.

  2. Dear...

    I am at moment in Hong Kong (say how long). If regulations allow please forward my A-Level results to (state address)

    Your help is quite appreciated,

    (sign it, maybe in front of an official for a witness)

  3. You should have given you School/College an envelope with your Hong Kong address written on it at EASTER.  The Results will sit in the School's Admin Office until YOU can collect them.

  4. where did you study? if it is in the UK, i don't see a problem with writing an authorisation letter. however, i don't know if they would post your results to hong kong for you.... do you have family or friends still living where you did your exams who you could authorise to collect them for you, and they send them out to you?

    edit: a format...heres an example:

    Dear Sir / Madam,

    I understand my A level results are available for me to collect. I currently reside in Hong Kong and therefore it is not possible for me to collect them in person.

    I therefore authorise you to send my results to:

    (insert your Hong Kong address here)

    If this is not possible, I give (insert friend / family member name here) permission to collect my results on my behalf.

    Kind Regards,


    (your name)

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