
How should I write an essay on my favorite color(red)?

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I'm writing an essay about my favorite color-red. I don't know how 2 start it...




  1. Go deep into the color in order to explain why you like it so much?

    Like things that you feel red expresses, like emotions, icons, memories. And make connections to those things with yourself. Stuff like that.

    That's kind of a weird thing to write an essay about..

  2. how red is represented, what red means to u, red landmarks, red wine, red sea, red crayons... wow, i can spend all day talkin bout red

  3. stop


    romance red is everything

  4. Things you like that are red

    How red makes you feel (bold, confident, etc)

  5. your essay should explain things like

    1. what is your fav color

    2. why it is your fav color

    3. why you chose it as your fav color

    4. what the color means to you

    good luck with your essay

  6. An interesting way to start it would be to describe how it's had an impact on you. I know there's been a lot of decisions I've made based on my favorite color, as dumb as it sounds.

    Write about what draws you to the color red, maybe what your favorite shade is, why you like it. How does seeing the color make you feel or effect you? If you associate things with it that normally aren't, what do you associate with it and why?

    In depth-ish stuff is good.

  7. Are there any restrictions on what you write your essay about? Or is it pretty open ended just as long as you are writing about the color red? If there are restrictions, I don't know how helpful my suggestions can be without my knowing them, but here are some ideas that hopefully can be helpful to you nonetheless:

    *First of all, why is red you favorite color? Do you just like how it looks? Do you like how it makes you feel? Do like to wear red, do you like to buy objects that are red (purse, cell-phone, bike, car)?

    *Here's something that might be interesting to write about: How does red appeal to each of your senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, sound? Maybe think about things that you might relate to the color red through each of you different senses and go into detail with as much as you like. You could relate a particular incident to you remember that appealed to your senses in this way - like a time you saw a striking red object or perhaps smelled something spicy that you made you think of red.

    *Here's another interesting idea to think and write about: How do you think you would feel if everything were red? Would you like the color so much then? Or maybe do you like more how it can stand out in a crowd (of people or of objects)?

    Well, I hope this helps you with your essay!

  8. why it's your favorite color,

    why it's better than other colors.

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