
How should I write my CV?

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I need to write a CV but I'm not sure what to put on it or how to set it out... If anyone can give me an example of a good CV that would help, or just list what I should include. I have very little work experience so some tips on how to pad it out would also be appreciated.





  1. First of all put your name and contact details.

    Paragraph one: About your self eg communication skills ability to work as part of a team etc.

    Paragraph two: previous jobs or experience.

    (Sate the dates or rough dates and a brief of what you did).

    Paragraph three: Put more about yourself but this time write about your hobbies and interests.

    Idealy an employer likes to see everything easily so if you can get it on one page its all good.

    This is a brilliant site.

    It got me 4 jobs, using the tips and templates.

    Click "Example 1" OR lower down click "How to write a CV".

    I hope this has helped.

  2. When you have little work experience, usually you would list skills, abilities, accomplishments, interests & volunteer work along with your work experience.  It's called a functional CV.  See the link below for a sample.

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