
How should Israel respond to the latest Palestinian attacks?

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How should Israel respond to the latest Palestinian attacks?




  1. Since the perpetrator is already deceased, endure and continue on with the ongoing peace talks. The two sides have agreed on a two state solution, you finally have Palestine representing itself, and the issues that need to be adressed are already fully agreed upon. If you go on a punishing warpath as has been suggested you sentence yourself to another decade of violence before you have to work to get right back to this spot again.

    If you negotiate a treaty, a real treaty, that adresses the two state solution with the UN declaration from 48 as a guideline, illegal Jewish settlements, access to the holy sites for both sides, and future security then you see a sharp decline in the violence.

    Palestinians blow themselves up because they do have a legitamate cause, but no other recourse do to the militarily lopsided situation and prior refusals of Israel to talk. Israel needs this as well because it would significantly warm relations with the rest of the middle east and would do more for security then they've been able to accomplish so far.

    It makes sense for both sides and they endorse it.

  2. Stop bulldozing Palestinian homes; get out of the Palestinian territories and stay out and ideally get out of the whole area. Yours has hardly been a positive contribution and it is sacred to Christians and Muslims. Most zionists are atheists. They have business running around demolishing homes and shooting children anywhere,but least of all in the Holy Land.

  3. Annex Gaza and the West Bank

  4. Israel should nuke itself

  5. The same way as we would if it happened in the U.S. Instantly and with force.

  6. I think now is the right time for the Jewish people to hire some British diplomats and let them draw the Israeli foreign politics agenda.

    They have proven themselves as smart and able people when it comes into governing a country. Specifically Palestine.

    Diplomacy is the weak spot of the Jews.


  7. All I'm sure of is they need to reconsider hiring Muslims in Jerusalem.

    This really goes a long ways to help the plight of the Pals doesn't it.  Some victory.

    Now all Muslims will pay for it in Israel.

    Smart thinking HUH?

  8. aren't they called Israeli Arabs? I thought that Jerusalem was the 'eternal capital of Israel'?

  9. With so much force that it will take twenty years for the Palestinians to remember why they were even peed off in the first place.  Turn the ground to glass, leave a cloud I can see from the U.S..    It's time to stop placating people who blow themselves up in crowds of women and children.  Stop acting like SAVAGES, and maybe more of the world will take you seriously and help negotiate for you.  Until then, I say......"BOOM!!!!!"

  10. Like Jordan did.  Enough already.

  11. By seeing the reason of this attacks. Surely they didn't these attacks without reasons.

  12. Well, so far they are having police watch more Arabs from east Jerusalem that work, so that is a start.

    I think they need to do background checks on all the workers that have green cards.

    If there is ANYTHING questionable at all about the worker they should not be allowed to work in Israel, live in Israel, nothing.  Deport them out to the West countries we will deal with them whether they like it or not.

    Being in Israel is a privilege, not a right. So they should act accordingly if they want that privilege.

    And yes, bulldoze the home or close it up.  Do things so that people will finally get the message that violence is not allowed.

  13. Knock down every single house of every single family member.

    Not allow them to work in construction or anywhere else that might give them access to bulldozers.

    Be more aware and make sure there are armed forces near areas prone for such actions.

  14. step in their shoes and see how it feels to be attacked at random

  15. You people shut your mouth........Israel has been our home since the time of Joshua.

    Israel should deal with the situation wisely........Israel should only target militants leaving the CIVILIANS out of this war.

    We've to show them that we're not cowards like them who would attack innocent civilians.

  16. get the **** out of palestine.

  17. Withdraw from the Palestinian Territories and leave those people alone. Israelis have no business in Palestine; they have their own country. It's borders were established in 1950.

  18. As harshly as possible; it is the only way to prevent more future cowardly terrorist attacks.

  19. Pack their bags, give the stolen land back and LEAVE.

    Also, quite the COWARDLY act of reporting every body on this forum!.....won't do any good either!

    ********to this guy above me,

    the only ''SAVAGES'' i can recall are ZIONS with their master degrees in HYPOCRISY and DELINQUENCIES.

  20. Return to their original countries and leave Palestine alone.

  21. Again I think the response was to kill him. A settler with a gun did just that (took justice into his own hands) didn't he? Case closed. What more do people want revenge? Peace!

    edit: In the west a teenager or even a man goes into a school, or even a university, kill at least 10 then turns the gun on himself, or the police have shot him. In the aftermath the police and society do not say "lets go demolish his home and the homes of all relatives or friends that knew him", they don't say all white Anglo Saxon men are no longer allowed entry to schools. It's not civilized to do or say such things. Israel has a long way to go if they ever want to get into the EU, they will be on the waiting list same as Turkey. Hope you can understand where I'm coming from...Peace!

  22. They should disarm and give them back their homes

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