
How should Israel respond to this latest tragedy?

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  1. my heart goes out to the victims.

    the only thing that could help us is to pray to G-D to stop the violence and pass around tehhillim messages. we should davven very hard.

  2. I don't think there is much that can be done.  The man was deranged and was brought down to stop his continued insanity.  That should close the matter as far as all deaths are concerned, save for the mourning which is a private matter for the families concerned.

  3. I thought they already responded by killing him. I hope they don't take out the actions of one man on all Palestinians. That would after all be collective punishment again. Peace.

  4. respond against it's own citizens? he lived in Jerusalem which is an Israeli city (according to Israel)

  5. Isn't it a bit strange to ask such question?

    What if a Jew did it?

    How will Israel respond then?

    It it because he is not Jew,Israel responds?.

    Now you see how racist you are?

  6. Obey the law. The sole legal basis for the jewish state is the Partition Plan which it accepted. Jerusalem is not part of your territory,nor is the West Bank. It's time to get out and respect your neighbor's borders. Jerusalem and the WB are not part of your territory. The people have a right to resist alien occupation.

  7. At least this killer will kill no more.His family should be throughly monitored now and friends and contacts.

  8. I think it should bring in laws against drinking and driving bulldozers.

  9. All I can say is if I was PM, I would not hesitate to go on the offensive and just take complete control of Jerusalem.  

    I would re-claim the West Ban and Gaza as Israeli territory and stomp out all terrorist cells, no matter what any country complains about.

    There is only 1...1 holy Jewish site in the world, and  3 Islamic holy sites, how selfish can muslims be. There is only 1 Jewish state in the world and many muslim territories, they can go there and complain.

  10. His mother is calling him a martyr, smiling about it, and waving to her "fans" in the crowd at 1:50 on the video.  (Arab word for martyr is shaheed.)  This is from Al Jazeera reporting. The mother obviously felt freer to express her glib when she felt no Israeli around.

    She is the one standing on the white terraced building with 2 boys with people standing in the street.

    People that glamorize violence are accomplices to murders they encourage it.  The least that can be done is to tear the house down.  It makes it that there is consequence for their actions when their family home is torn down.  

    In this culture, for martyrdom, it is frequent that families are taken care of by the radical entity that sponsors the terrorism.  The martyr themselves have promise of virgins in paradise.

    A decisive consequence for their actions will be a good deterrent to counteract their benefit.

    Furthermore, 3 terrorist cells claimed responsibility for the action.  This gives legitimacy for Israel to also counter attack their cells.

  11. easy answers here...

    major testimonials for a couple of special people who deserve to be honored and remembered.

    I guess the only reponse I have is to turn the question back around and send it back to you. I am not a pacifist, or a weakling, but I believe that it takes a stronger person to wage peace than to wage war.

    Based on the article, and what we now know about two of the three people who were senselessly slaughtered by a deranged jerk, we ask the question, "What would they want us to do?"

    what would they want? we can't change what happened, we can't undo what is done, so what would these special people tell us, what would they want us to do, and how can their memories be best served by those who knew and loved them?

    again, I have no answer for this question.

  12. It is high time to have a ceasefire agreement in the West Bank too. How long will it take the Israeli leaders to do that God only knows.

  13. My dear Valerie,

    How about Israel for a change tear down that concrete wall around its borders, remove all of those check points and Iron Gates and welcome those unhappy people with open arms?

    The Palestinians share with the Jews:

    Humor, food preferences, music, looks, genes, but most of all the same LAND!

    If the Jews would do that and still the Arabs will go killing innocent Jews then, I would personally go over there and protest for you.

    Until that time, expect the rage and the growing antisemitism that follows.

    It's all up to the Jews to find a solution.

    Get (vote?) some able politicians for Christ's sake!

    Israel's been plagued with bad Governments all of those years, can't you see that?

    Ask your self this: Am I happy living in Israel?

    I am sure that your answer would be a big NO!

    My 2c

  14. i dont beleive they should let it go altogher but what is needed is a diplomatic solotion find out why it happpened and punisnh those responsible that does not nmean a random attack rip houses down or jail the families unless they were part of the attack they need to find out speicfically who was responsible and act accordingly

  15. Extend the Great Wall of Israel right through East Jerusalem and as Olmert said, demolish the houses of the terrorists.

  16. maybe instead of getting her panties into a knot she could figure out why he did it instead of automatically labeling this man as a terrorist. It was a good thing that the off-duty soldier climbed up on the tractor and blew the driver's brains out. what more do you want woman? how about this one? an investigation.

    do you really care what people think?

  17. Collective punishment,stick with what you know and practice on a regular basis. Of course they could try a new approach use their brain and not kill for the sake of killing while claiming to be the victim.

  18. by praying for the family and to stop using the "collective punishment" technique on the innocent people who had nothing to do with it.

  19. What response is necessary.  an Israeli went nuts and started killing people.  This is of course not as common in Israel as other more liberal countries such as America.  One day in the news there.

    They killed him now social services needs to see to the family who just lost it's bread winner.

    This may very well have nothing to do with the conflict.

    Has any of the Islamic fronts claim responsibility?  You know they always do.

  20. its a tragedy , every terrorist attack is one.

    in this case it was a single guy acting alone and he got what he deserved.

  21. He had been listening to Muslim radio and he was filled to overflowing with Jihad ideas.  So boom one day, today he said I want to earn my virgins in heaven so here goes.

    As for the Israelis..what are they supposed to do?  Beef up patrol on the streets, questions every member of that family, all the arabs will have eyes on them, they'll try to get to the bottom of this.

    Life goes on with more scrunity for some, and maybe more hatred for some others.

  22. There was one person responsible for all of this - the person driving the bulldozer - he should get the death penalty - but since I don't believe Israel has the death penalty for such a crime he should get life imprisonment and Israel should re-think its laws on the death penalty.

    Good Luck!!!

  23. Very sad for the families of the dead and injured, civilians should not be targeted both sides, this guy is not mentally balanced..... but maybe it's the result of apartheid.

    To answer your question, it's Like usual, Zionists will respond by kill and kill and kill and kill, what can they do more than crimes.

    Against the 4 dead Israelis 40 Palestinian kids will be killed  in the coming week by the state of Zionists, and of course this will be self defense !!!

    the respond of a legal and normal state (unlike the Zionist) should be a real study for why it happened, then they should prevent it in a scientific solution, not by killing of tens of Palestinians kids.

    Again, may God help their families.

  24. I am so saddened to read this news. My condolence for the victims.

  25. This was the act of a mentally unstable person & he paid the price for what he did .

    Respond ?  What would you suggest..? As some official said , go bulldoze the homes of his family & associates ..?

    Is that Israeli justice..?

    Strange that we didn't hear the same  suggestions when Jewish settlers killed arabs indescriminately  on the west bank..

  26. Hi Valerie,

    All I can answer is that Muslims living in Judah and Samaria and in "gaza" are lucky I am not PM of Israel.  I would not hesitate to have them all deported, and I would not care where they go after that.  They could simply find their own way just like Jewish people had to many times over throughout the ages.  I would not care what anyone thought of my actions either.  I have known a great many regimes who have deported people, and no one ever questioned their actions.

    The tolerance Israel is showing with regards to terrorism is despicable.  That is one of the reasons why people question Israel's actions today.  If any other country had to deal with terrorists, the response would be harsh and final.  Everyone would agree that no country should have to endure terrorism.  Because Israel hesitates to respond affirmatively and forcefully, we are being questioned, because there is no reason for us to ever hesitate.


    Ms. Miche ; })

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