
How should a 12 year old improve his shooting in soccer?

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the 12 yr old in question is 4'10 and weighs around 70lbs(He's pretty small for his age) but he does very well in soccer except for shooting. Do you know any sure-fire way for him to improve to the normal standard for his age.




  1. When he kicks, tell him to lean back and kick it as hard as he can. If that doesn't work, put his arm in front of himself and tell him to kick his foot so it touches his hand. Then let him kick that way. That's how to shoot higher.

    To shoot harder, just keep practicing on a goal after his games.

  2. just one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pratice,,,,,,,,,,,,... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,pratice

  3. You should probably watch this

  4. just keep practicing shooting at a goal it helped me a bunch just setting up the ball and shooting at it also if you want you can check this thing out its a pretty good trainer

    the video for it:

    kind of corny but hey it works

  5. the most important thing is confidence keep giving him good comments and he will be loaded with confedence the best way for him to improve his shooting is to tell him to bring his leg back as far as he can and just hit it with his laces  

  6. get a tarpaulin and cut circular holes in it and ask your son to try and shoot the ball through the holes this should improve his accuacy and do some leg mucel excercices so he can hit it harder

  7. Hi

    To improve shooting, I think there are two things to consider: accuracy and power.

    To improve accuracy targets is a good suggestion. He could also use small goals and just practice shooting over and over again to try and hit the target. He should try to focus on that goal and put all his efforts simply into aiming there. Whilst this might sound a bit repetative to do it over and over again to improve, shooting is often thought the most fun part so it shouldn't be too bad!

    Then to improve power the technique needs to be right. He should get his head over the ball and have a proper drive-through with his kicking leg to get maximum strength behind the ball.

    These steps might help and he can also visit but other than these I wouldn't worry too much because his shooting will get stronger as he gets bigger and it sometimes just takes time.

    Hope this helps.

  8. do targets someone pases him the ball then he shoots at a target and if he gets the targets he doing good and if he is missing he is not doing that well

  9. The best thing to do would be to just have him go out and shoot. It's probably more fun to play with a parent as a goalie. If you are looking for something to train with, I found something that I used to use that works pretty well.

    Basically, it eliminates the chasing the ball after you shoot every time. Less time spent digging it out of the net (or chasing it into the street) and more time practicing the fun part, shooting.

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