
How should a Muslim husband treat his wife?

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I would really like to know how to treat my wife if I ever get one in the future, I don't want to treat her badly, I would just want to treat her like the prophet (pbuh) did to his wife. Please put in examples and also try putting in additional info if you can, thank you!




  1. a REAL man lets his wife have her freedom, her freedom of thinking, hew own way of living life by HER decisions. most men think women are a possession. treat her like you would want to be treated. don't make decisions for her. being married is a partner ship. not "do what i say or get smacked"

  2. do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

  3. treat her as a woman, give her lot of love and care, respect and support her decision just like the way you want her to treat you.

  4. It depends on how religious you are and where you live. Obviously if very religious and in the middle East, you might try to treat her similar to other wives. But if you are in America, you probably want to find out by observing the woman you love and see what her expectations are. If she's Muslim and in North America, there may be certain things she likes and dislikes about how women are treated in the middle East. The bottom line is, listen and fulfill her expectations without compromising yours to the extent of disbelief. Take Care

  5. You treat everyone like you would like to be treated. Your wife is no exception. You should treat her with the love and kindness that you would like to be treated with.

  6. with respect and as your equal.

  7. Respect is important

  8. You should be asking this in a religion section. Not here. =/

    People are only going to be giving you their opinions.

    Listen to your heart and do what it tells you to do.

  9. Arnt you people supposed to beat up your wives and cover their face, just because someone said it was in a book?

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