
How should a black man handle this situation?

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Ok, say that you are a black man in a place where you are the only black male there. It could be blockbuster, the grocery store, or anywhere. Now, you are by yourself and some big white guy who is loud, rowdy and extremely big or strong looking, bigger than you, like a Stone Cold Steve Austin looking dude and he says "Hey lookie here, we got us a n****r!" and says it loud to where EVERYBODY hears it. And they all look at you and he is looking at you like "Yeah, I said it! WTF you gone do!"

What do you do? Do you try to stand up against a guy that can obviously tear you apart or do you try to pretend you didn't hear it or just ignore it while everybody looks at you like you are a chump? What if there are black women there? Would you feel the need to try to defend their honor and risk getting torn apart or would you not say anything and allow them to look at you like you are a wussy? What is the best way to go about it?




  1. I would stare at him. Then I'd walk closer to him. I'll say "I bet you waited your whole life to say that in this particular situation," just so he could hear it. I'm sure he wouldn't do anything, otherwise he would have done it already.

    This is how I see it:

    I'm here and I don't have a problem with it. What are you going to do about it, I mean if it bothers you so much, make something of it, otherwise STFU!

  2. just give him a look and go back to whatever you were doing.. don't give him the satisfaction of a reaction.

  3. I would just ignore it, people like that who have to put others down just to make themselves look good or strong aren't even worth recognizing. Just walk away, and act like nothing happened, because I know you're better than that situation.

  4. shoot him and run?

  5. You wouldn't have to defend yourself, because even though some white people are secretly prejudice some of them still don't like ignorance. They would stand up for you.

  6. I think you should just look at his face and laugh. Why would you want to stoop down to that idiots level. He sure as h**l doesn't have a life, and doesn't have nothing else better to do. But to pick and harass people. Just be smart and be a real man unlike that idiot that doesn't have any home training that his parents should have taught him. A real man will leave that situation and prey for that person. Just ignore that fool and move on. People do that just to see how you're going to react. They are just waiting for you to do something. Just leave them people alone, and gone about your business.

  7. White or black should not be entered into this problem.  If someone did that to me....whether I was white, black, yellow, brown, ect.  I would go to the checkout and tell that person to call 911.  Whether there were black women, white women, etc. would not change my thinking.  The "guy" was a piece of you know matter what color he was....................Some people are just stupid.  

  8. I would have said something like, "lookie here, we gotta us a redneck...yihaa." Personally, I wouldn't give a **** how big this white guy was. Blacks are physically stronger than whites so it's really no contest.

  9. I ignore ignoramuses.

  10. look around and say where???  really though a guy like that is truely ignorant... and it is sad to say there is still ignorant people in this world. he obviously wants a rise out of you and you cant give him that satisfaction. the best thing my cousin does is stay calm and if you are talking to them, get them to agree with you!!! perfectly calm! i seen her in action and it works great!!! i would hope that any bystander would also stand up for you. white or black.... if you were in hickstown... you might not want to pass through anymore!!!

  11. he's probably very drunk and if you tried to fight back you could easily win because he will fall down when he tries to walk.

    call the popos

  12. Call the store manager and get this guy thrown out!

    Edit: Wendy don't talk such garbage, you seem like you've never even met a black man if you think there wimps.

  13. I dont care how big the guy is, all men have one sensitive spot. Use it.

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