
How should a supervisor be punished for engaging in several sexual relations, while ignoring company policy?

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Our company handbook states that it should be a supervisors responsibility and obligation to disclose information regarding any potential relationship.

Not only did a supervisor not follow company policy....I feel this supervisor is abusing his role by indiscreetly

engaging in multiple relations with subordinate employees in the work place within the same time frame.

How should HR handle this situation?

I was more or less told nothing can be done....because it doesnt fall under "harassment", however the situation has created a hostile work environment for the parties involved due to gossip throughout the workplace.




  1. if its a supervisor and not the hiring manager, just get over it. they probably make less than 2 bucks an hour more than you.

    why rain on somebody's parade?

    remember, if you stir up enough c**p and get this supervisor fired, the gossip will all be about you.

  2. FIRED!!  If the supervisor has been warned about inappropriate workplace relationships and continues to engage in these relationships, he should be fired.

    Actually we had this come up at my office a while ago.  The office found out when the husband of one of the ladies the manager was cheating with came to the office and tried to beat the c**p out of the manager.  The company didn't fire either party.  They simply transferred the manager to another division......and installed windows in all of the office doors so there could be no more hanky panky in the office.

  3. It is not HR's responsibility, it is the responsibility of the supervisor's immediate superior.

  4. Terminate

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