
How should a telemarketer speak to you when he/she calls you?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They must be very knowledgeable, polite and sound like they know what there talking about and not to be pushing a product because most people hang up the phone when a telemarketer calls...

  2. Polite, yet in control of the conversation.  They are a salesperson after all.  A collection agent is different.

  3. They should be courteous but also speak in a matter that you might forget you are talking to a telemarket and think it is a friend on the phone.  Try to squeeze in something funny and also informational, but you still need to be aware that you are taking up someones time and should keep the call moving.  Be thankful and gracious regardless of the outcome of the call, how you handle yourself affects how the customer will treat other similar calls.

  4. Not at all.

  5. Don't sound like you're reading a script.

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