
How should formal invitations be set out?

by Guest64313  |  earlier

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is it still "fred bloggs and Mrs fred bloggs" or is the wife's christian name used these days?




  1. use christian names

  2. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bloggs is the traditional formal usage; but nowadays it would probably be fine to address the invitation to Fred and [wife's first name] Bloggs.

    The traditional formal usage makes it look like Mrs. Bloggs is owned by her husband.  What a ghastly concept.  Besides that, Fred is not her name.

  3. formal should still be

         Mr&Mrs Fredrick Bloggs request the pleasure of

               "your Name"

                   and then the reason for the invite

         be it wedding   christening  candlelight supper ect ect  

  4. It is still 'Mr and Mrs Fred Bloggs request the pleasure of your company ...etc'

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