
How should i act when i am...?

by  |  earlier

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sexually harassed in public,like someone touched me intentionally..

should i scold him,and he may accuse me of lying and embarrass myself,

or just ignoring it,but that means that i didn't mind what he'd done?

i am very confused about this.any help?

p.s.(going to the police is out of question as police men harass girls aswell)




  1. You should perhaps tell a friend who believes you and then perhaps she or he could confront this person?

  2. Stick a bamboo stick where the sun don't shine...that'll teach him!! Sis, i think you should travel with a mahram...thats why they are here for so they will provide you with security.

    happy ramadan sis!! =)

    Eidt: also sis, i wud suggest carrying a "rape alarm" with you...if you know wat i mean. I have one and so do most girls becoz sumtyms there's places you need to go alone..though i mostly go with my dad, or my mum, or other family members. It is actually being used a lot more and most girls have it where i live.

  3. dont say anything, just turn around and give him a NASTY look!

    it works, that happend to me in jordan, and i gave him a nasty look, and he got scared.

    you are arab right?

    some arab guys espically in arab countries are pigs, just dont say anything so that ma tifdahi halkik.

    salam sis and Ramadan Mubarak!

    oh and the police are 10 times worse!!


  4. tell ur brother or any family member to kick his a$$

  5. Slap them and scold them to make them look like an a*****e.

  6. Get your dad or a big man to go beat them up or say your dua before you leave the house so you'll be protected by Allah swt from these things that may harm you.

  7. Salam sis, you should slap him and always take a mahram (male family member). peace

    ok it seems you dont have anyh brothers. Oh thats a shame :(

    Um this is a  hard question.

    Theres a dua you say it before you leave the house. You should recite it everytime and may Allah (Swt) look after you always. Amin

  8. Slap him

  9. If this is a recurring thing, you should tell your brothers, Do you have any? Or carry some pepper spray. I would have slapped the guy and made a scene.

    Edit- Oh no brothers? You should go out with your sisters, if you have any or basically don't go out alone. take a friend, mother, cousin.

  10. First avoid going to crowded places

    Then If they haraseed you just slap in thier face  

  11. touching one time may not be intentional,it all depends what country you are ,here in america things are different and authorities take these acts very seriously.

    in pakistan things are different sexual harassment may not be taken seriously by a cop in pakistan,but people around the victim take good care of the culprit and beat the h**l out of him.

  12. just tell him to get lost and if he does not leave then tell people near u what happened  

  13. you should avoid crowded places ..

    and if any one harassed you .. you should slap him .. and get i big man to kick his sorry *** ..  

  14. get away from that person and then tell a stranger that the person jsut touched you and go from there.

  15. Well You have two options

    Either you Slap him so hard that he faints


    Remove your high heel shoes and give it to him

    OH OH I know a better one

    How about you borrow my Sword and .....

  16. you can:

    -shout as loud as u can

    -move away from him, if ur in a confined place

    -threatened him u know karate

    -      "       "       him that ur father is the head of police

    -kick,spit,scold,hit him

    whichever way u want it; cuz he deserves it.

    but also try traveling with someone, its better than alone

  17. some men easily get charged, and they try to touch girls. avoid lonely places. if other men around shout, attract other's attention. if touching is negligible then change the place look him sharply.avoid smiling to men.

  18. That has happened to me plenty of times, and I have rebelled back, i.e. hit them. Now I don't go places on my own rather have someone with me. Can't you tell your father/brother etc....?


    A solution is maybe not to travel on your own

  19. Wow, well I'm not sure where you live but for me, I am often alone.  When I go anywhere, I make sure to avoid desolate areas and take the route that is more populated (filled with witnesses).  You can carry some mace or pepper spray, they sell small containers that can attach to your key chain, always keep it easy to reach.  If some one tries to mess with me, I turn around and give them a stern serious look into their eyes and ask them "What do you think you're doing?"  If they do something else you spray them in their eyes and get away.  

    Something good and bad nowadays is that there are cameras hidden in many public places.  

    Oh and hijab/niqab won't really help you too much because there are many men who rather hurt the modest girl.  It's more of a thrill for them because it really shouldn't happen.  There is the excitement of taboo for them.  I'm not saying that hijab/niqab is wrong or bad- - it is actually a *very* good thing.  What I am saying is that should not be your only source of protection.  You still need to be on guard all the time.

  20. 1)  marry me- ill kick the c**p out of him

    2)  wear niqab

    but still its funny - many men go for "virginal girls in arab countries" when most of them have been touched up and had their private parts felt much more than muslim women in the west

  21. Aww

    If it was a one off, ignore it, this does not mean you didn't mind it just means you are not going to lower yourself and make a big scene of it.

    If it's something he always does... Go ahead sister show him your fist, forget the slap ! lol. If you have any male cousins, or friends, get them to confront him, that doesn't mean violence, cause the best way to sort someone out is with wise words!

    A slap might embarass him if there are alot of people around, but it won't affect some, and i don't think it would stop them.

    Try to go with sisters etc. If not, don't be affraid to talk to a stranger and tell them. Some strangers are helpful, once a guy kept saying things to me and would follow me (yeah how lame) and a stranger guy asked if i was ok cause he noticed, he told the guy to leave me alone and he did. So use strangers to help you too, alot of older women tend to stick up for you and give the guy stick for it lol.

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