
How should i answer these questions from my 7 year old son? LOL?

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ok, a few weeks ago, we got a puppy. (a male puppy) one day, my son was on the floor wrestling with the dog. well, when the dog rolled over to get his belly scratched, my son just stopped. he looked at me and said, "why does tank have hair on his p***s?" i couldn't help but laugh. i kinda told him about body hair and that all people get it. i didn't get too into it though. then he looks at me and said, " on my p***s? i don't want that. do you have any mommy?" again...i'm in shock and just told him that is a personal question that you never ask people. i thought that would be the end of our discussion. and it was until later that night. he was getting out a towel for his shower and he noticed a box of tampons. he pulled one out and hollered down to me: "mommy, what are these?" i told him they were for women and to put it back. he did, and he came back out and says: " does it go in your v****a???" now i'm about ready to bust out laughing!! how do i answer these questions??? haha




  1. how would he even know that tampons go inside womens vaginas?

  2. erm ... tell him when he is 9 years old. most kids start pubitity when they r 9 or up.

  3. I think keeping as simple as possible is the best. Try not to make a big deal out of it cause then they will only want to share it with everyone to see their reactions as well. If he catches you off guard simply tell him you aren't sure how to answer that question right then and tell him you will explain it better later.... sometimes we get lucky and they forget about it. I think it is definately time to be a little discrete with things unless you want him to ask questions about things he see or hears (for instance condoms and such,...). He is still too young for the ghory details of adult items but should he find something and ask try to give him a very short and simple answer... if he asks the same question again later, give him the same answer.... he will eventually tire of it. Also I think you should try to find a way to answer the questions he asks but also explain to him that it is innapropriate for him to discuss as he is a child and these are grown up questions.... Good luck! I also have a son and yes they can ask some doosies!


    If you are uncomfortable discussing these things further with him then maybe the father or other male figure could help you out with it. If you are uncomfortable because you are unsure what to say to him... go with your gut, you know better what your child can handle. Be sure that if you have the talk with him that it is a mature one.... no funny faces or anything cause he will pick up on you being uncomfortable and probably find it funny and will then only want to tell someone else cause he thinks its funny.

    If you are uncomfortable because you feel he may be too young to handle some of the information.... then edit! I mean He doesn't need to be frightened because women bleed or grossed out.... Simply say that sometimes mommy needs those kinds of things to help her from having an accident or something. But keep it simple. You don't need for him to go to school and start freaking out all the little girls by telling them the ghory details............ Just think it over and if you haven't come to a decision about how to talk with him by the time he asks again.... be honest and explain that you are unsure how to tell him and you need to think about or study or something..... all the while I would definately explain what may be innapropriate to discuss with other people or other children....

  4. I think you should be honest. Just tell him, but try not make it sound too gory.

    For the tampon one, you could say something like 'every month, mummy's tummy grows this stuff to make her tummy spongey and soft if a baby wanted to grow there and if it doesn't, I have to get rid of it. And the tampons collect it.'

    I've always thought that if you're truthful about it now, kids won't be scared to talk about s*x etc with their parents when it really matters.

    But it's whatever you feel comfortable with, if you don't want your kid to know that much information when he's younger, don't tell him.

    He will find out at school though, kids talk and they often talk c**p.

  5. lmaoooooi busted out laughing at the tampons part i couldn't take basically i was rolling on the floor [[=

  6. First of all I think you put too much info in your first answer. All you can do now is answer his questions. Did he really ask about your v****a? Yikes! But look at the bigger picture... it's great that you have an open relationship like that...It may be difficult but try to answer his questions with as little info as you can to easy curiosity. If you just feel he doesn't need to know let him know you can talk about it when he gets a little older.....Times like this I really wish we had a parents manual!!!!! Good Luck.


  8. Tell him that he needs to wait a while and you'll tell him when he is in school he'll eventully learn and tell him that he can't ever talk about it again till than and tell him that he needs to ask his father most of these question's!

  9. I have 3 sons, and from the beginning been honest about it all not too graphic, but better to hear it all from you then some one else, and it sounds like he has, so expound on it. tell him to always to come and ask you! always good when you are driving, so you can look straight ahead! and not too detailed but tell him, others will at school.

  10. since he is asking at age 7 it might help to get out a encyclopedia with those transparent overlays of the human body and let him look at them.

    Most adults offer to much information and get to uptight about reproductive issues with children.

  11. well he's way to young to know any of these things so  you have to be careful ( does he watch t.v. late at night when your in bed ). umm the best thing to do is to tell him things step by step or he might go to school sayin "my mommy taught me about vaginas.

  12. In raising our children, my wife and I had a policy of answering all questions as openly and honestly as possible but not to include enough detail to create new questions. I know it is a fine line, and some children are more inquisitive than others, but if you are careful to answer ONLY what is asked, I think it will work quite well for you also.

    The one thing we never did was to refer a child to the other parent because we were uncomfortable with a question. This is not only unfair to the other parent, it also gives the child the idea that s*x is an issue which belongs to one gender more so than the other. The only time we did refer a child to the other parent was when we actually did not know the answer.

    This policy has paid off for us. Because we have been open and honest with our children, they are with us. I don't necessarily agree with everything my children do, but I do know about. Did your parents know everything you did? Mine didn't.

  13. for one that kids very smart to ask all those questions! lol you should just tell him some of the facts about all the questions but don't get too into them. For every answer just tell him the truth he's gotta figure it out sooner or later, and just tell him to promise that he wont repeat what he heard to anyone. If that doesn't work, then don't even tell him, just say that someone will tell him when he gets older. After that, i don't know what else to do for ya. my little cousin asked me almost those same questions and i just told her about the tampons and stuff because she is a girl but just follow the steps above and hopefully you'll make it through! good luck my friend, good luck!

  14. be honest with him, yes every adult will get hair in their pubic region, and every woman will bleed from the v****a and need to plug it off with this device, lmao.

  15. well the tampons he definetly doesn't need to know the answer to, but try having his father (or other male figure in his life) explain the body hair to him. he does have to know.

  16. my son also knows the correct names for male and female body parts and he calls them by their names (not pee-pee or boobies)...he asked similar questions at i told him that mum gets a menstral cycle every month and uses tampons to help her..and that when he grows up amd becomes and man like Daddy he will have hair down near his p***s but not on his p***s and he asked if i had hair and I told him that women get hair just like men do but not until she older and becomes a woman...Just be honest his questions will be answered and he will be satisfied...

  17. Just tell him people get older and puberty kicks in and hair grows in different areas.  Not sure how he would possibly have guessed tampons go in a v****a however just give him a brief education on what they are for.  If he is old enough to be asking the questions then he at least deserves an age appropriate answer.

  18. First of all, this little boy is your son. It is vital that you give him correct, clear information lest he finds out in other dodgy ways.

    I would recommend a mild anatomy lesson, enough to answer his questions. Please do not stamp out his curiosity, curiosity is a good thing if you know how to utilize it.

    Do not be shy to educate him but do stress the importance of not talking about such matters in public. If you are shy to talk to him about it, where will he go? He's a child, and the fact that he knows what a v****a is tells you that you need to let him understand that it's a sexual reproductive organ and keep it clear and scientific.

    Good luck!

  19. i think he is ready for "the talk"... my son is 8 months old and this made me look forward to those years coming up.. im at work and i couldnt have laughed any harder LOL....

    I know block buster vido has some kid friendly s*x and body part talks... u know the ones they show at school....

    you can also try and youtube some of his questions like how to use a tampon or things of that sort and there should be some kind of cartoon video well.. on second though dont do that LOL.... maybe wait on the tampon thing... but yeah check out the videos just ask for them at block buster or just youtube it =)

  20. honestly. truthfully. if he's asking questions, then answer him. at 7 he'll go looking fo answers everywhere - best its real and true and comes from you.

    you dont have to talk about s*x, just puberty and how people get older - bodies change. find a male relative to explain about hair if unsure - but best that you do tampons..

    ask at your local library too - they usually have some good books written for kids to explain stuff like this too!

    best of luck...

  21. Hahaha he's way too little to understand what he's asking...he probably learned that from an older cousin or friend. Just tell him that boys and girls get "hair down there" when they get older and that tampons are for girls and you shouldn't play with them. He doesn't need the whol birds and bees talk yet. thanks for the laugh though!

  22. HAHAHA i already burted out laguhing HAHAHAHA!!!!!

    tell ur son never to say that again

  23. hmm....

    well first of all i'm very surprised that he knows about body parts and all that...

    so I don't think you should answer him. Just say that you'll tell him when he's older - that's what my parents told me

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