
How should i apply sulphur powder to my acne?

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I have moderate acne which is mostly under my skin.I'm on a daily routine. i wash my face every morning with either a 2%salicylic acid(sa) exfoliating scrub or a 0.5% sa foaming cleanser. i then wait 5 mins 4 my face to dry and i may or may not apply hydroquinone USP 4% on my scars, and then i apply a 2% sa moisturizer.

At nights i use the foaming cl. and wait to dry. i may use the hyd. USP 4%, and then saturate my entire face with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide sol'n. (i hav no prob with dry skin).

i heard that sulphur has healing properties and that its good 4 acne. i hav pure sulphur powder and i want 2 kno whats the best way 2 apply it on my face, eg. dot the powder on mu scars and acne oras a paste with another substance(plz do not give me something u TRIED and turned out to work).

plz also check 2 c if the method is safe, ie. it will not react with any of the products im already using or will cause any alergic reactions.

your time and help is greatly appreciated.




  1. sulphur is probably not very good for your skin. i would never ever ever ever put pure sulphur on my face. ever.

    try toothpaste....

  2. Sulphur is an INGREDIENT in some acne treatments but is not an actual treatment itself. By being an ingredient it will probably only be about 2 or 3% at most so I wouldnt advise sell application. Ask your doctor for a product containing it

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