
How should i ask my friend to be my girl friend when she already got a boyfriend?

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How should i ask my friend to be my girl friend when she already got a boyfriend?




  1. don't!

  2. Alright being a player myself here is how it goes. First you got know if this girl like you. If she doesn't stop here cuase things get worse if you keep trying. If so Flirt with her, take walks with her, the point is getting closer to her. After you get closer it becomes easy. The only problem that you could have is the boyfirend. you have three options here. Either you run like a puss, fight for her, or talk to him. It an't easy but that is the process..

  3. why ask her when she has a boyfriend you will feel embarrassed if she says no

  4. They won't last, nothings forever! Just wait until they split up, though don't rule out other women in the meantime... :-)

  5. Don't ask her,she already has a boyfriend,that's not right.

  6. Don't, it will just mess things up. Are they serous? You could just wait for them to be over with and be there for her, many people hook up like that. Don't sabotage them or try to push things, you don't want you're relationship to be based on something like that. Good luck.

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