
How should i ask my grandpa for $20.00?Simple Help?

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Will i want this hollister tshirt and its really cute its only 17.50 but i want 20.00 how should i ask my grandpa 20.00????! Cuz he doesnt yell at me more then my parents.what should i say to my grandpa for 20.00?




  1. If you're old enough to pick out your own clothes (including ridiculously overpriced t shirts) and ask question on YA, you're old enough to earn the $20 yourself.  Ask your parents if you can do extra chores around the house to earn it.  Don't try to mooch off your elderly grandfather - talk about greedy and uncaring.

  2. well if it was my grandad id go ; 'oh grandad how lovely is this top? i really think it would bring out my eyes etc etc , what do u think? oh what a pity i dont have enough money for it ' *pout*

  3. tell hime something nice about him, try it you got nothing to lose

    good luck

  4. step 1: Ask him how he's doing

    step 2: Tell him about this great t-shirt at Hollister

    step 3: Ask him if you can do anything around the house to earn the money

    By mentioning that you want to *earn* the money, Grandpa will be proud of you for:

    • showing that you appreciate the value of money

    • offering to help him by doing chores

    • willing to spend time with Grandpa by hanging out with him

    It might be a good idea to tell Mom & Dad that you're going to do chores for Grandpa, so they don't think that you're being sneaky or going behind their backs.

    Grandpa might be so proud of you that you're asking to *earn* the money, he might just give it to you without asking you to do chores!

    Good luck!

    ♣ missa

  5. why don`t you go earn it yourself? why bum it off your grandfather?

  6. 1) Be honest tell him what you want the money for

    2) Offer to do chores to earn the money from him.

    3) Ask for it for a birthday present if thats coming up.

    You need to respect your grandpa and dont try to cheat him out of the money because money is not easy to come by as an adult.

  7. Just go to your gampa and tell him the truth! if you dont wnt to, just ank him palitly

  8. You shouldn't. If you want it, get off your lazy *** and work for it. Don't "ask" for it. Work, and maybe your parents will reward you.

  9. I wouldn't try to get your poor grandpa to pay for it. Save your money and buy it yourself or maybe ask for it as a birthday or Christmas gift if someone  asks what you'd like. But it's rude to just use your grandpa like that.

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