
How should i ask this girl out?

by  |  earlier

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I have been friends with this girl for like a few months. i really like her but i dont know if she likes me. how should i ask her out?




  1. Start a casual conversation,

    make a joke?

    Then just ask her?


    you could take a different route and ask her who she likes

    and when she asks you back say its someone you know,

    in my school {etc. just describe her}

    then ask her when she gets it

  2. ask her out

  3. haha u dont u can try but it wont work

  4. ok :]

    well im a girl so i guess i will tell u what i would want someone to do if they were going to ask me out


    stare in her eyes when like switching classes and stuff :] girls love that

    but not in a creepy way..

    ask her to go to the movies

    or be like

    omg! this movie looks soo good. wanna go see it sometime?

    or dinner?

    or put a note in her locker with like her favorite candy or something

    like hey i like you.

    do u want to go out?


    blahblahblah :]

    any of those

    or you could sing to her haha

    like in sydney white

    but u may be rejected =/

    good luck! :D

  5. just be ask, show some confidence.

  6. ask her to maybe go see a movie or go to the mall and just talk like you usually do. afterward just tell her that you like her and if you do i'm sure she likes you back man give it a shot don't wait too long like i did and lose the girl i waqnted to be with

  7. Ask you mamma

  8. ok dumbass um just ask er she donset like u say oh well just asaid becuz some told me to but if se does like u become a couple ALWAYS use CONDOM

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