
How should i break up with him?

by  |  earlier

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I was seeing this guy for 2 weeks and I broke it off because there wasn't any chemistry and I didn't feel any spark with him. He refused to take no for an answer and he kept begging for a second chance.

So decided to give him another chance but I still find him to be boring and clingy.The communication and we tried having s*x but he kept on loosing his reactionI regret taking him back.

Now i want to break it off for good and i don't know what to say and how to do it so he doesn't beg me and refuse to take no for an answer like last time.




  1. Be honest tell him you all dont fit together that he is not your type...that you made a mistake by giving hom another chance and you can no longer be with him. If he doesn't like that S**t get bad azz on em'.

  2. Say :' it's over'  and from that moment ignore him completely. If he tries to harass you,  complain about him. DON'T GIVE IN AGAIN.

  3. well just tell him the way u did lst time.....just tell him its not working out and there will be a lot of other gals out fr him...just tekl him u cant stay in a ralationship rite now...n avoide all his calls n stuff ltr...gud luck!

  4. say i dont like you, and if he begs, DONT give in

  5. Go to a place where you're alone and tell him exactly what you told. Say it gently and tell him there is just no spark between you and me ok? Next if he starts begging and pleading or something just walk away. Don't let it get to you. You must be able to lose the compassion toward him Tell him it's for your own good and just walk away. Make sure you tell it to him gently. And try not to have s*x again. Please

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