
How should i build up my running?

by  |  earlier

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i totally SUCK at running.

my ultimate goal is to be able to run 8km, three times a week. how long do you think that would take to build up?

i also find it soo much harder to run outside than to run on a treadmill. i can run for like an hour in the treadmill but i can only run for 20 minutes around my neighborhood.....

how should i build up my running regime to be able to run that far, that often? is it better to run outside or on the treadmill?




  1. You can help increase your run times by doing interval training.  Interval training is done on a 2:1 ratio.  The best way to do this is to go to a track.  You would sprint, not jog, around the track once.  Then slow jog around the track twice.  This would be 1 rep.  Do this for 8 reps.  If a track is not available, use your street as an equivalent.  Sprint from one end to the other, then slow jog back and forth.  Repeat 8 times.  The key is sprinting, then slow jogging.  This will increase your cardio, making jogging longer distances easier.  A good weekly workout would be to do intervals on Monday and Wednesday, then jog on Friday.  Let your body recover over the weekend and start all over on Monday.

  2. well the benefit of running on a treadmill would be that your joints don't get the impact of running on concrete. Also just set yourself goals. for example if you know you can run 20 min. just try to run for 25. then when you can run 25 min the move up the time. It works for me.....

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