
How should i convince my parents to let me study abroad?

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My parents already want me to become a forign exchange student but they only want me to go for 6 months. I have tried talking to them but they dont really want me to go for a full academic year. I would LOVE to be able to do this but do you have any suggestions about how to convince them?




  1. My sister studied in Italy, and it was a fantastic experience for her.  She made really great friends and even now she goes back to Europe to see them.  The thing is, you can ALWAYS go home -- yes, you might lose money or whatever, but you aren't a prisoner there.

  2. Exchanges are great experiences for a lot of reasons. The trick is finding out the reasons that are great for your parents, not you. Sure YOU can make friends, expand your cultural horizons, blah, blah, blah. Your parents know that, that's why they want you to go for 6 months in the first place. You haven't said why they want you to only do the six but for most parents I imagine it relates to either costs or family commitments. To really convince them that you have the maturity to handle a year overseas your best bet is to tell them you want to sit down with them and discuss rationally the reasons why a year long exchange is less desirable from their view. Show them you are listening and try to really see things from their side and then see if there is anything that can be done to make a year exchange more desirable for them too.

    If that doesn't work, throw a massive fit and they will definitely want to get rid of you for as long as possible!

  3. I would bring up language immersion. It generally takes the first semester to become able to understand. The second semester is when you really LEARN the language. This immersion and learning process will be extremely valuable to you in both college and the work force.

    Also, it doesn't cost that much more to go for an entire year than for just a semester.

    Good luck!

  4. You have to explain all the beneficial of the studying abroad program :

    Study Abroad Program may be the most convenient way for a college student to learn a language or take coursework overseas for college credit. Many  study abroad programs can be combined with an academic semester or full-year study abroad program for a more extensive study abroad experience.Study abroad program is a very different experience from academic year/term study, it can still be meaningful and rewarding....

  5. Read this and you might change your mind about being a foreign exchange student.

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