
How should i deal with my bike accident.?

by  |  earlier

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I road my bike one handed down a road and i fell off my bike bumped my head and it got a big bump, cut my leg which wasn't deep I also cut my lip but i can't describe how deep it is, and i chipped my tooth. How do i know that I need stitches and how much does it cost to repair a chipped tooth.




  1. You will know if the edges of the skin don't go together easily.  If you can see anything but just blood (fat); you need to go to the doctors.  chipped tooth; depends on your insurance and the extent of the work required. I would say around $500.

  2. go to the ER, not sure about the tooth. it ight set you back several hundred dollars but get yourself to the hospital. you might have a concussion or need stitches

  3. Go to a doctor dumbass

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