
How should i do my makeup for a funeral?

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my grandfather died and i am going to three different showings for him and a funeral. im not really sure how i should do my hair and makeup. i dont want to go to it looking underdone. but also i dont want anybody to be like wow she has wayy to much makeup on for a funeral, shes just here for the guys not for sympathy. which im deff not there for guys but i want to look good.

so what is considered an appropriate amount of makeup?

photos might help:)





  1. sorry about ur grandfather and i think 4 makeup u shud but on lipgloss and a lil bit of eyeliner  wait!never mind then it wud smear lol...jus lipgloss....k:]

  2. some waterproof mascara and tinted chapstick. your hair doen't really matter

    Don't doll yourself all up. remember it's a funeral not a party

  3. go as neutral as possible, prob little mascara and eyeliner, as funerals usually bring on tears, i would just go with the closest colors that match your tones.  

  4. just cover up, and no eye make up(as you may cry, and it will run). and blush. just wear chapstick or lip balm, nothing sparkly, keep it to a minimum. Hair, wear it in a pony tail or curl it if it is straight.

  5. maybe just some cover up and such and some mascara

    maybe a touch of eyeliner

    don't go too overboard, we don;t want the funeral to be too depressing

    and we don't want you to look like you just got out of bed

    for you're hair, i think something simple would do

  6. When my grandmother died, the last thing i was worried about was looking "good", It's a funeral/wake not a fashion show.If you absolutley have to wear makeup, go natural, just some eye makeup and tinted gloss. Wear your hair the way you usually do.  

  7. If your gonna cry a lot then don't wear eye makeup

    Just wash your hair and wear it down or in a bun

    No offense but its not really a time where you should care that much unless you weren't close to him at all

    Myabe just foundation, blush, a little lipstick or lip gloss and if you want eye makeup waterproof mascara on the top lashes

    Sorry for your loss.

  8. simple, but understated. You don't want people to notice your makeup.

    groom your brows, a couple of coats of waterproof mascara, touch of concealer where you need it. a bit of bronzer/blush, a light neutral lipstick/ gloss.

    that should do it.

  9. dont wear make-up to a funeral. Are you mental? Put ur hair in a ponytail or something simple.

  10. the last thing i would think about is looking good at a funeral!!

    wat kind of person are u ???!!!???  

  11. It depends on how old you are.

  12. the key is NOT to look "pretty" but to look pulled together. i agree with most of the answers here -- a full face of foundation is a little inappropriate. dab on some concealer where you may need it (under the eyes, around the nose) or opt for a tinted moisturizer (i like laura mercier).

    keep your eyebrows in place with some clear brow gel or wax. i don't think eyeliner or eyeshadow is necessary. you can use some mascara, but make sure it's waterproof.

    as for lips, stick with chapstick or nude lipstick. i think lipgloss, even clear, is inappropriate.

    as for your hair, keep it pulled back in a simple ponytail.

  13. Hair: Something simple, respectful. You don't want any attention drawn to it for being done too much or not enough.

    I don't know what kind of hair you have but here's some good ones I found:

    A bun:

    Your basic straight, long, but in control:

    For makeup, nothing flashy or sparkly. Foundation, mascara, maybe some eyeliner.

  14. i personally don't think u should wear make-up on a funeral

    hope it helps


  15. Use a little makeup.  Subtle is the way to go.  Make yourself feel good also.

  16. leave your hair down put clear mascara on & eyeliner with a little light tint of eye shadow not to bright that it really stands out though and propably wear some foundation if you want =] i hope it helps and some vaseline !


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