
How should i drop her?

by  |  earlier

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so me and this girl had been friends . along with my other friend, we made up a group of 3 and we used to tell each other everything until that girl blew it out of proportions . it all started when she began to hang out with these people tat everyone considered cool . she started ignoring me and my other friend and taknig us for granted . soon, she started making up excuses as to why she doesn't want to hang out with us . then she goes around telling people out secrets. eventually shet old the popular kids' secrets too and started to become hated. later when she found out that this dude liked me , she started becoming friends with me again and then out of no where she tells me she likes him and she starts to mess things up between us by trying to make him feel guilty for not accepting her feelings . she even goes as far as to try to commit suicide because he won't like her and she tells me in detail how she feels about him knowing d**n well i like him too. i was about to strangle the ***** but i knew better to keep my composure . she started going all emo and started being depressed and now no one likes her . this summer she claimed she's changed and she tries to be all nice and wants to be friends with me again but i don't wanna have anything to do with that w***e . how do i drop her ? any good , destructive ways ?




  1. you start to distance yourself away from her.

    like when she comes around just walk away and go somewhere else.

    and dont be too mean like if she waves to you in the hallway wave back like everything is ok. so she wont go all crazy.

    but just dont talk to her like you used to.

  2. Tell her to go away when she starts getting in your face. Nobody wants to be  told that at all. I'm sorry, but that's all I've got.

  3. Just ignore the b**** lol. The when she confronts say that you have moved on and don't want to be her friend anymore.
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