
How should i email her back please help?

by  |  earlier

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I put my ad on Kijiji about babysitting, because thats why i do. I've been getting good buissness for 2-3 months. I'm 16. I got this email today and i need help writing back, i really want tht job!

It says:

Hi Kara,

I'm looking for someone to babysit my daughter who will be 4 in September. We live at (street name..). The hours are Monday to Friday and vary from 0830-4:30



I am a nurse, work in (City..) as a case manager ...etc.....()

$125.00 per week.

Thank you,

(names) you can email me or call me at (phone number)

Its almost midnight here so i'll calll her. what should i say! im interested in doing this. help me out, thanks so much !




  1. Say,

    Hi (insert),

    Yes I'm very interested and I'd love to watch your daughter.

    and then ask for any information you might need.

  2. just say that you got her e-mail and that you are avalible to watch her daughter for her.

  3. I just received your e-mail and am very interested in talking to you about this. I'll plan on calling at 5:00 pm tomorrow.  I hope that gives you enough time to get home, and I'll try again at 7:00 pm if I don't reach you then.

    Also, if that's not convenient, you can call me at 123-4567.  



    Hope this helps and good luck!

  4. well just tell her you are really interested in the job. ask her if you can meet her and her daughter. when you go ask her general info and possibly bring her child info forms and that sort of stuff to show her how responsbile you are. also bring a medical consent form. it will really impress her

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