
How should i feel when friends forced me to eat fish as a vegetarian?

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am so mad.depressed.last night i went to my friends house.i m a vegetarian.they fastened my hands and opened my mouth by force.and they put some fish in my mouth.and didnt let me push the fish out of my mouth...i just went out as i was so,how should i feel?i ate an animal and now im sooooooooooooooo much me




  1. don't hang out with them.they are not respecting you.they just want to make you feel bad.don't hang out with them

  2. Next time you fasten THEIR hands, open their mouths and force them to eat cauliflower.

  3. sounds like BS to me They broke the law just to make you eat fish call the police and press charges.

  4. You are an omnivore.  That means you are meant to eat both plants and animals.  There is nothing wrong with eating an animal.  Fish are full of protein and are good for you.

  5. I think your stories are getting a bit to far fetched now, was that whilst you were on the plane with the man offering you his pasta with meat?

    I would change your friends and stories.

  6. fish isnt meatt...

  7. There are several odd things about this story.

    First, what kind of "friends" would fasten your hands and force something into your mouth against your will?  I think you need to find some new friends.

    Second, are you telling me that you have never eaten meat of mish in your life?  Obviously, your diet is your choice, but people have been eating meat and fish for thousands of years.  I don't think is will hurt you.

    Third, what it your reason for your vegetarian diet?  Apparently, your "friends" didnt's respect your reasons.  

    I would say you have a right to be angry.  At the same time, I am wondering why you chose vegetarianism.

  8. Most vege's that I know eat fish. What's so special about you ? Wake up and smell the coffee for heaven's sake !

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