
How should i get ready for volleyball tryouts?

by  |  earlier

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I've basically missed all practice and open gyms. D:

I have no experience. (well a little)

and tryouts are in less then 3 weeks (end of july)





  1. practice with a family member when ever you can. do a bump,set,spike drill and serving overhand. also be confident and even if you mess up just think as it as a learning experience. look online for tips on making things easyer.

  2. Practice your sets, bumps, spikes, blockes and overhand serving is an easy way to impress coaches!

  3. practice,practice,practice is all i can say u have very little time but just use all of your time practicing *sp*

  4. Hm. Get a parent to help you.

    Have them throw a high ball, and do a set.

    Set- Hands up high, in a triangle. Use fingertips. Push up. Not out.

    Bump/Pass- Make a fist, then cover your other hand around your fingers. Don't cross your thumbs. You'll break them.

    Spiking- You can't really do that unless you have a net.

    Serving- If you have little experience, try underhand. Put the ball in your hand, and make a fist, and swing through the ball, while hitting it out of your hand.

    But if you have strong arms, Overhand is much, much easier.

    Get your feet set.

    (If you're a righty, put your left foot a little bit forward. If you're a right, put your right foot a little bit forward)

    Hold the ball in your palm, and make sure to toss it in front of you. Make sure it's a decent height. Maybe a foot in above your head. Raise your dominant arm, and then swing into it.

    I hope that helps.

    OH & try some wall traps.

    Wall traps- Take the ball, Almost act is you're rolling it against the wall, and when it's about 4 inches above your head, smack it with your hand.


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