
How should i handle a family member that has to give their opinion that my child shouldnt take adhd meds?

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ps...its my dear loving gramma....ilove her dearly....she over and over says that she thinks those meds are going to hurt him even though they have done nothing but help.....i dont know what to say ...iususally just sit there on thephone and you can hear has done so much for my family that i simply cannot hurt her feelings.....i find myself lying to her often for fear of upsetting her.




  1. I diagnosed with ADHD when I was in 3rd grade, and guess what? I took some medication and I ended up getting straight A+'s!! I got into GATE that year, and now I have and IQ of 150! I am diagnose with ADD and depression now though, and seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist monthly, but I'm still taking medication! Medication for ADHD is not at all like drugs or anything like that! It's like medication for when you are sick, except your sick all your life! My little brother is diagnose with ADHD, and he is 10 years old. He is going into 6th grade on the 4th, and last year, he got straight A+'s! And they weren't just 100%'s either. He did a lot of extra credit, and they were all 120% or 116%! I'm very proud of him, and I think he might turn out to be one of those kids who graduate college at the age of 15!

  2. well I would tell her that you value her imput but however YOu feel this is right for your CHILD.  and you do what's best for the child, and never never never ask the child to keep it a secret from granny because that will dimish his self worth.  I too had a child with adhd, and riddlyn did help.  

  3. you need to tell her that things are different then when she was a parent. and that these meds are helping her grandchild-who i'm sure she loves dearly-have a better life.

  4. Tell her, in a nice way, to mind her own business.  You and your doctor are the ones making the decisions and it seems you have made the best one for your child.  I have contact with over 700 students each year.  Of those, 5% are diagnosed with ADHD and there is probably at least 5% more that should have been diagnosed with it.  Those on medications have marked increase in their abilities to learn and not cause disruptions to other students who also are trying to learn, as well as an increase in their grade scores.  

    Those not treated with medications (Alternate therapies and remedies are mostly ineffective.) perform poorly on tests, cause major disruptions in their classes and cannot even maintain a normal conversation longer than a few minutes, let alone complete regular class work.  If not treated, these symptoms increase over time and even as adults people with ADHD have difficulty with their lives.  It isn't something that a child merely can grow out of and become able to function on their own.  It also has been known to pass from generation to generation, from father to son, so there is likelyhood that others in line above your child had it.  That may be part of grandma's problem with your giving your child medication.  Maybe she didn't get her child treated and now is feeling guilty about it.  

    You are to be commended for getting your child the help needed to improve his/her quality of life.  Don't let others, including this grandparent, even though she may be well intended, sway you from the course you have taken.  In the long run, you will see that it was the best thing you could have done for your child.

  5. I'm sorry but i really agree with grandma i hate when people drug their children. There are much better ways to work with kids than doing that

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