
How should i pace myself for a 400m race, i always get tired?

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i ran 27 and 33 splits




  1. I'm a really fast runner and I would say just start of a bit slow then get faster.  If you can bring a water bottle for dehydration.

  2. woah you run a 60? I'm workin on it but what I do which drastically changed my time from a 64 to a 62 is to sprint the first 100, fast stride the next hundred, and the next two hundred build up speed [like a windsprint] and you should be pushing everything you have into that last hundred thats when you give EVERYTHING [drive your knees and pump you arms as much as you can]

  3. ok.. you ran the first 200 about a sec. too fast. try aiming for two 28- 29 splits. thats what i do!

  4. well the whole point is to be tired at the end right?

    im an 800 runner, and i havnt done the 400 since middle school, but the first 200 should be at 95% with last 200 just being whatever you got left

  5. wow i'm a 5th grader but still ok,

    you wanna pace yourself but think fast at the same time!

    and you wanna breath out and in from your mouth ,

    :) have fun!

  6. at the start sprint then coming out of the turn slow down a bit but still be going fast then when ya get to the last 100m just go as fast as you can and dont stop. the 400m is a sprint so you should just about be able to sprint it all. if now work on your fitness and then ya should be all good ta kick some ***.

    good luck man

  7. the 400 is the hardest race physically in track in field. youre gonna hurt like crazy at the end up if if you run it right. keep your first 200 split. its good but youre going to have to focus on keeping up your speed. try keeping your knees up when you get tired. whatever you do, dont let yourself slow down because usually whoever wins the race, isnt the fastest, but theyre the one that slows down the LEAST.

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