
How should i paint my truck - do i need to tell the dmv?

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today i just made my last payment on my 2000 ford ranger (little pickup truck) anyone have any good ideas on how i should paint it? I dont wanna spend more than 30 bucks on spray paint, and right now im thinking of painting it like a cow... any ideas anyone?

also, if i paint it, do i need to report it to the dmv?




  1. If you want to paint it like a cow that's your choice. You don't have to tell DMV about a color change .

  2. You don't need to tell the DMV (but you might want to so their registration information is up to date), and you should get it professionally done. -- to the best of my knowledge. It doesn't hurt to tell them.

    Spray paint or house paint will peel and may increase corrosion.

  3. huh no its your car you do what you want to it...

  4. um.. a cow? really?

    i would rather have zebra stripes

  5. For some reason i'm thinking that if you change the color of a vehicle ,you are surpose to contack the dmv of the color change.

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