
How should i play hard to get ? ? ?

by  |  earlier

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im crushing on a guy that i really like i dont want him thinking he can have me in a snap of two fingers my friends would tell me to play hard to get but i dont want him thinking im not into him anymore what do you think i should do ?




  1. Don't be one of those dumb girls, be aggressive and go after the guy.  Guys hate mind games.

  2. Coming from a guy, i get piised at a girl when she acts like she doesn't care, especially a girlfriend.  if you do anything that makes it seem like you dont like him, he may think you dont like him, and find someone else.

    I'd just ask him sometime, maybe just on a date, go slow, and see how it progresses.

  3. Dont listen to your friend.  You have already sent out signals by the sound of it, so just be a bit busy if he askes you out, so that he has to wait to see you.  

  4. Not a vidyagaem. Get it out of my vidyagaems area.

  5. Usually reality doesn't work out like fantasy.  Go out with him and make sure you even do like him.

    You may find you don't care for how he really is or how he treats people, including you.

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