
How should i play the game?

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my couch is playing me full back this weekend and i haven't blayed there since i was 15.

i play for a under18s semi senior rugby team and i havnt got the pace of a full back however i can tackle like a tank.

all i would like to know is whats your advice on how i should play the game e.g deeper in attack of deeper in defence or shallow in defence ect...




  1. play how do u fell...and it'll be really better...good luck for the match and have a nice beer! LoL

  2. Hey darwin, Coach Hawkeye put it very well.

    The fullback position requires a lot of quick decision making on your part. Learn to read the other team. Im sure you know this since you have played, but just in case ill add a few basic points....

       -Get to know the cues for a kick (e.g. the opposing fly is deeper than usual)

       -When the ball is kicked to you, be sure to be aware of your position on the field and in relation to other players. If you are behind your 22, you should probably kick. If an opposing player is comming at you, jump for it.

       -Like Hawkeye said, get in to the line when behind the 22. Theres really no reason to prepare for a kick. Itlle be like using a Punt Return behind the 30yd line in American football.

       -Be sneaky if you want! Pretend to stay back, but at a sudden moment, run into the line and create an overlap. Of course, disscuss this with your blindside wing so he can cover for you.

    Sorry if you knew it all, but hopefully it helped. 15 is an awesome position, have fun

  3. I've coached for a few years now and I always tell my new Fullbacks (or ones that haven't played there for a long time) that if they are unsure where on the field to be (Defence) then IN GENERAL, a straight line behind the Fly Half is a good place.  The distance behind FH is totally determined by the opposition kicker.  The further he can kick, the further back you go.  From there, you have a good view of the opposition fullback and blind side wing.  If either of those come into the backline, then you need to haul backside into the defensive line... otherwise you need to trust your backline 100% to make their tackles.

    Once they get down into your 20m area, then everything changes... be in the line and get you blind side wing to cover defend.

    On attack, I was always taught that Fullbacks have free range to enter the backline whenever the heck they feel like it.  Get your blindside wing to cover for you... this is part of their job BUT communication is an ABSOLUTE must.  We dont really play as two wings and a fullback anymore... it's truly a back 3.

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