
How should i react, its a horrible situation?!?

by  |  earlier

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a guy at work was recently attacked by a boy/man just say teen who claims to been molested by him,How should i react towards this guy when he returns to work? there is no evidence either way to confirm or deny it, i've always thought he was such a nice guy, would he loose his job because of these allegations?




  1. Treat him no differently than you did before this happened.  Let him do the talking & see if he brings it up.  If he doesn't, don't you either.    There is no reason whatsoever for him to loose his job over this, he claims he was the victim, that he didn't initiate or start it.  You're innocent until proven otherwise.  The law w/get to the truth about it, so just wait & see.  Good luck to you...:)

  2. you dont know anything for sure, so dont judge and you should avoid getting involved

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